Monday, September 6, 2010

9/6 -Lots of playing

We've been enjoying the backyard lately. Aiden is loving throwing the ball for Bronco and pushing his trucks around outside. He gets a great workout with the hill in our backyard.

Eli and Bronco have been bonding. Bronco gets so excited when I bring Eli home and Eli chases him all over the house until Bronco finally gives up and allows Eli to headbutt him (headbutting is a sign of affection in this house). Also, Eli has learned to blow whistles and I've included a little video of him blowing his Pooh rattle whistle.
We were excited to see part of the first Gator game of the season on Saturday. We were all dressed in our Gator apparel except for Aiden. He picks out his own clothes now and he didn't chose a gator shirt (in his defense, he doesn't have one in his size although he does have a jersey).
Eli is starting to actually push cars/trucks around and it's so cute. He often gets one that is too fast and face plants on the floor but he's learning.
Aiden decided it would be fun to try and pet Pouncer all day so he followed him around the house. Poor Pouncer. He actually doesn't mind but I think he was feeling double-teamed from Aiden and Bronco.
Although both of the boys are sick, we still went to church on Sunday (we missed last week). Eli is learning to play with finger puppets.
Aiden is a little fruit monster (not a bad thing) and he was feeding me cantaloup yesterday. Aiden picked out the yellow shirt and khaki pants and wanted Eli to wear the same thing.
Here is a happy Eli playing with a car. I'm still not sure if he has an ear infection. He keeps pulling at his ears and is fussier than normal but it could be teething. The only reason I somewhat think it's not teething is that he just got 2 teeth and I don't see any other teeth on their way down/up.
We were reading bible stories last night out of the kids Bible. Aiden could listen to stories forever. It's so cute. Eli even sat there for quite a while.
I don't know why I'm having such a hard time remembering to brush Eli's teeth when we brush Aiden's every night. Anyway, Eli did get his teeth brushed last night. Thankfully I brush them before he does because his finger is over the bristles in this picture.

Here is a short video of the boys ... being boys. Aiden going kinda crazy and "jumping" on the couch (he still doesn't know how to jump) and pushing Eli down (not nice) and Eli not caring at all.

Brad comes home in a few days and we are all so excited.

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