Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1/17 - Getting healthy

I actually took these pictures last week at Aiden's occupational therapy session. Here he is swinging in the tire and having fun. That is Ms. Lisa, his therapist, holding his hands. She is great with him. He had to swing for a while and then pick up froggies and throw them in a bucket. He normally does something similar to this so that he can work on his trunk/upper body strength. Today, Aiden cried almost the entire time through therapy. I have no idea why. It was so frustrating. He wouldn't do anything Ms. Lisa asked and then curled up under my chair and cried for about 10 min (therapy is only 30 min long). I was so frustrated he wasted my time today. Hopefully next week he'll be back to his normal self.
We've been trying to get healthy back here at home. Eli is on the mend although he's still pretty tired. The other night we had movie night and watched Tangled (which we just bought). Aiden actually watched the whole thing and Eli did too for the most part.
Aiden got some Lincoln Logs for Christmas and when Grandpa Dave was here, he showed Aiden how to build houses (daddy helped teach Aiden too). I was shocked that Aiden knew which pieces to put on the bottom and he actually built a door and window into the house, all on his own. He pile of logs you see by him are ones with a straight side on them and he said "Grandpa Dave said to put these in a pile." He's so cute.
Aiden was trying to tell Eli that he had a pile of separate logs. Eli didn't really understand but tried to listen.
Here is the marble set the boys got for Christmas. I actually followed the instructions and it was worth it. We built a super cool marble run that has 4 entrances and 6 bottoms. The boys love it.
Eli is starting to feel much better. He's still pretty sleepy but overall, he's doing much better. Mommy, on the other hand, is still sick. I go to the dr tomorrow and maybe they can give me something to help kick this nasty, mucosy cold.
Last night the boys played on their cars carpet. They love this thing. I moved it to Aiden's room and they both had a fit so now it's back out in the living room. They really could spend hours playing on this. I wanted to take it away so it won't loose it's novelty but apparently the boys are not ready for that yet.
Brad is keeping very busy on the ship right now. My on-line classes started today so I've been trying to get ready for that. Other than that, I've been doing some crafts to keep busy at night while Brad is away and to relax me some after dealing with sick kids for a majority of the day (especially last week).

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