Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11/10 - Eli is kinda walking!!

After a few weeks of sickness, the boys are finally on the mend. Aiden is up to no good in this pictures since he's trying to hit Eli on the head with his blanket.

Eli has been practicing on his walking skills a lot lately. He's getting much better. He takes about 5-6 steps at a time now before plopping down and speed crawling.

Eli, as I mentioned, is all over the place. He's learning how to move his body more. In the past week or so, he's started trying to talk a ton, wave hi and bye, and blow a kiss!! That's huge. He's been busy. On top of that, he's been busy trying to walk, play with blocks, and starting to dance.

Eli has been wanting to be on the bus which is still one of Aiden's favorite things. Thankfully, Aiden is sharing pretty well. Eli has been a dare devil standing up on the bus.
Little Eli is also teething lately. I'm not sure what teeth or how many but they are coming.I went to a pre-deployment fair last week and found out about deployment boxes for kids at many USO's. I asked Brad to stop by and get one and thankfully he did. It had a teddy bear that had a leather flight helmet, goggles, and dog tags. The box also has a video to explain deployment to kids and a journal and some post cards to see. He likes his dog tags and the kit came for with one that Brad keeps too.
Aiden has become scared of .... most everything right now. In this picture, he was watching a Thomas the Train video and was scared because there was a cow on the train track. He gets really scared when animals are involved in things. I suppose it's kind of sweet but it's starting to interfere with normal stuff. For instance, this past week at Gymboree it's been jungle week. Aiden is scared of the stuffed animals when he's asked to "walk over the aligator pit" and a stuffed aligator is on the ground. He was also a little scared to give the stuffed monkey a banana. If he sees animals that are about to be hurt, he is instantly scared.
We have these balloons that we pumped up and let go in and they screech and go flying around the house. Eli used to hate them but he likes them now. Aiden has recently decided he wants to pump up his own balloons and he's gotten quite good at it.
It was a chilly day the other day (considering it's Florida) but we still wanted to get outside. We went to one of the playgrounds and the boys go to release some energy. Eli was climbing everywhere and Aiden is getting pretty sturdy on his feet at the playground. Aiden can climb the "rock wall" by himself now and he
s been climbing this arc ladder thing for a while but I like to stand there in case his foot were too slip so I have never been able to video it.
Aiden is showing interest in the potty every now and then but overall, he could really care less about it. Eli on the other hand, thinks sitting on the potty is great. The past week I'm giving Aiden a "treat" from trick or treating if he either sits on the potty or pulls his pants up and down (he has a hard time with this sometimes). Eli was showing off his potty skills and he was too excited for himself.

Things are going pretty well. Aiden is doing much better from being sick although he said his ears hurt tonight. Also, Eli is doing better although he still has a cough and is getting breathing treatments a couple times a day. I, too, am finally starting to feel better. I've been able to workout twice this week which is new record seeing how I was injured and then got sick. Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and Brad has off. Unforutnately, I do not so he'll be watching the boys in the morning while I go to Gainesville and test participants.

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