Saturday, November 20, 2010

11/20 - Zoo and cool playground; Eli is walking!

Brad has been home much more than normal lately and it's been great. The rest of the squadron is gone for a few days and Brad doesn't need to be there as long during the day. It's been fabulous spending time with him.

Aiden loves reading books. I found him sitting on his bus reading through many of his books the other day. He was doing great until .....
Eli came behind him. Aiden started crying because Eli used Aiden to help him balance and stand up. World War III eventually broke out and Aiden was done reading for a bit.
We were outside for a bit last week for one night. Aiden was busy drawing with chalk on the ground. I totally forgot to give Aiden is glow stick on Halloween night so I got them (one for each child) out.
The boys were mesmerized by them!
Eli thought it was pretty cool. He had the green one.
Aiden carried his around everywhere that night and even took it to bed with him. It lit up his entire room!
We went to the zoo last Saturday afternoon right after naps.
Aiden and daddy going down the cool slide built into the rocks.
Eli and mommy during the train ride.
We rode the train around 1.5 times the park. Aiden loved every second of it but Eli got a little bored. Playing with daddy's zipper was pretty entertaining for about 5 minutes.
Aiden wanted nothing to do with the family picture I was trying to take on the way out. We were leaving right at 5:00pm (which is when the zoo closes) and he was pooped. Although they both had a great time, they were so tired.
Aiden is doing great. He's almost talking in sentences and is getting a solid grasp on counting to 10 (although he still likes to skip 7 a lot) and he know the beginning of the alphabet. He loves to mimic what we say! Our usual bed time is at 6:45 we turn on Sprout and we watch the craft of the night and then Thomas. By 6:55pm we go to Aiden's room to read a story and then bedtime. He's so good. I'm so grateful that both of the boys go down so well (although we did put in a lot of effort to make that happen when they were younger) and stay asleep.
Little Eli is so precious. He loves my cell phone and stole it the other day. He actually put it up to his ear (in the second picture) and acted like he was talking. It was too cute. In the past week, Eli can wave hi, bye and blow kisses. He also can kinda say hi and bye and mama and dada. He's exploding. He's starting to walk a lot now! The video of him walking was taken about a week ago and he's getting better and more sturdy every day.

This video is of Eli learning how to stab with his fork. He understands now how to eat from his fork and he's starting to try and stab stuff on his own (rather than just taking is free hand and scooping food up). He's getting is pretty good considering he turned 14 months old on this day!!

We started to going to a new church 2 weeks ago and I met up with 2 woman (and their kids) on Tuesday. We had a great time and I'm hopeful I can make some meaningful relationships.

Aiden was such a help the other day during snack time. After he finished his snack he wanted to help Eli so he was feeding him a few pieces at a time.
We went to a new playground this morning. It's a 25 min drive but was very cool and worth the drive. Aiden had a blast. It's called Clarke park and it like a giant castle, pirate ship, and space ship. It has dozens of different levels and tunnels/caves to crawl and hide in along with many swings. They had a sand pit area and another playground area with cars/trucks made out of wood.
It was a great workout for Aiden going up and down so many steps.
They even had this cool music section that Aiden thought was pretty neat.
Eli had fun at the park as well. Although he didn't care to walk around much, we forced him a little. There were lots of different levels and he's not that advanced yet but he wanted to just plop down and play with acorns and mulch rather than walk anywhere.
He eventually found a puppy by the swings that he thought was pretty neat.
I haven't been posting much lately because I've been enjoying the time with my hubby home. It will probably continue that way until he leaves in mid January. I'll post again after Thanksgiving, maybe before if I have time and have taken pictures. I will definitely have lots of pictures to post after Thanksgiving because we have decided to go to Disney!! I'm so excited. We are going down on Wednesday, going to Disney on Thursday, and coming back home on Friday. We designed it around having a room in the middle of the day so the boys can nap. We plan on going when they open at 9am, coming back for a nap around noon, and then going back for the afternoon until they close. We wanted to do it before Brad leaves because once he comes back next summer, Aiden will cost money! haha.

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