Thursday, March 11, 2010

3/11 - Aiden getting better & BJ's here

The picture above was taken during bath time the other night. Eli was hanging out with me for a bit while Aiden was still playing around. Aiden has learned something new though. I took the video below for Brad. It's Aiden blowing bubbles in the bath tub. Brad was working on Aiden putting his head and mouth in the water for a while. It's worked because now he's blowing bubbles!! He was blowing bubbles for a while until I got the camera so he didn't blow for much longer. He also pretends to "wash" his hands with the shampoo and soap bottles. He obsessively does this for about 10 min every time we bathe.
In the picture below, Aiden was giving Bronco some treats after getting his nails done (not sure if I posted this before or not).
After we picked up Brad's mom from the airport, we stopped in Dunkirk to get some food for Aiden and to let him out of the car after 4 hrs of driving. They had a play area there which he loved. You can see him sitting next to Ronald McDonald looking cute.
Eli got to sit with Grandma while I played/encouraged Aiden to explore the playhouse and tunnels.
Since Bronco is gone now, Pouncer is going crazy. His playmate has left and he's pretty sad about it. Aiden is trying to do headbutts (our sign of affection with animals) to Pouncer. Pouncer isn't so fond of it but he tolerates it a little bit.
We've had some beautiful weather here and he's got to go to a park 2 times this week. In the picture below we went on base at Pax and had some fun. We also went to the Solomons playground with grandma and he had fun running between 2 playgrounds.
For some reason, Aiden won't go down a slide with both hips facing forwards. He has to do this little hip check thing and he ends up turning around while he goes down slides.
Little Eli. What a cute picture. Chunky Monkey is doing well. He weighed in at 18 lbs exactly yesterday and he's almost 6 months old. He's starting to get really long gorgeous eye lashes like his big brother. It's not fair that all the boys in the family have lashes twice as long as the girl!
Eli is enjoying spending time with his other grandma. He was getting ready for a bath in these pictures. Look at all that fat .... man. He still drinks 3-4 oz per feeding and feeds every 3 hours so I'm not sure how he is so big. He eats one meal of "regular" food which includes some rice or oatmeal cereal and some fruit OR veggies. He eats about 1/4 cup of food at dinner. I don't know how he's so fat but I don't care because at least he's healthy. It's shocking that he only weighs 10 lbs less than Aiden.
Eli was making Aiden laugh yesterday. After we got everyone ready for the day, I let Aiden play with his automatic Thomas the Train set. The train goes by itself. I made Eli do some tummy time (still not rolling over but I think he'll roll from back to belly before belly to back) and watch the train. That little booger has pretty good eye to hand coordination and kept reaching out for the train when it came by. It would go off the track and Aiden thought that was pretty funny. They were having a good time.
Aiden has been getting better although he still has a cough left. On Wednesday, we went to a MOPs gathering and he got to play with his bestfriend Kaden. They were playing trains and cars and had a ton of fun.

They also made a firetruck they could eat out of graham crackers, prezels, red hots, peanut butter crackers, and icing.
It's been a good couple days with some great weather. Aiden is getting healthy, Eli still sounds a little junky but he's doing pretty good, and I'm still kinda sick. Brad comes home in about 8 days hopefully! Everyone is excited for that. The orthopedic I saw today says I have tendinitis in my biceps and triceps and bursitis. He changed my physical therapy and I will try that tomorrow. Hopefully my arm gets better so I can easily hold these fabulous boys that I have.

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