Friday, March 5, 2010

3/4 - Sick kids

The last week has been crazy. Shortly after Brad left, I took the above picture. I was talking to "daddy" on the phone and when I told Aiden that, he went and put on Brad's night time slippers. It was too cute. He definitely missed Brad when he left and went to the computer every time I opened it up for the first few days hoping to see him on Skype.
Last Friday night, Aiden woke up coughing throughout the night. He was sick my Saturday morning and hasn't gotten much better since. I thought it was croup by Sunday morning and Sunday night was horrible. He couldn't even begin to sleep without having huge coughing episodes which left him crying. I ended up having to have my mom come up and sleep in my bed to take care of Eli if he got up throughout the night and I took Aiden outside for while knowing the cold air would help his lungs. I then "slept" with him in the recliner. We went to the dr on Monday morning and he had croup and an ear infection.
The video above is me playing peek a boo from behind the couch. Eli loves it!!! The picture below was from the peek a boo too. Remember, if you want to see the video, you have to actually go to the blog: This video will make anyone smile!
Thankfully, Eli has been doing pretty well. My mom had to go to the ER on Monday afternoon. She has bronchitis. Eli and I were the only healthy ones and he started having some congestion issues on Tuesday. I started to feel sick on Tuesday as well. Eli has stayed the same thankfully and I've continued to get a little worse each day.

Aiden hasn't been himself. He's been so tired and really wanting me all the time. He's gotten really good at putting train track together. He built the one above all my himself! Grandma is starting to feel better to thankfully.

My poor little boy. While at times it has been very annoying, little Aiden just wants his mommy most times. He's normally not like this and hopefully it will end for the most part when he gets better.
Aiden will start crying after coughing because his throat hurts so much and then sometimes Eli starts in on it too. It's enough to drive me crazy (see below picture).
Nightime is pretty hectic with Aiden getting breathing treatments and Eli needs his medication for thrush so having a few down minutes is great (too bad it doesn't happen very often).
Eli is getting stronger everyday. He's still not rolling over but he's thinking about it. He standing a lot more and starting to move around in the exersaucer. Aiden loves "jitterbugging" to one of the sounds on Eli's exersaucer. Even when he's sick he still tries to dance and twirl to it. Too funny.
Aiden helped me trim Bronco's nails last night by giving him treats. They are great little buddies. My mom is leaving tomorrow to head back to FL. I miss her a lot. The boys are going to be lost but thankfully, Brad's mom is coming in town. My mom will be taking Bronco with her. I don't have the time or energy right now to take care of him so he'll be riding on a plane down to FL tomorrow. While I will miss him, Aiden and Pouncer are going to miss him the most. Thankfully when we move back to FL, Bronco won't be far away.

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