Monday, March 22, 2010

3/22 - Brad's home & Eli is 6 months old

It's been a while but Brad's home now and we've been a little busy. Brad safely made it home last Thur morning. He traveled all night and didn't get any sleep but they made it in to Andrews Air Force Base safely. On the hour drive to Pax River, one of the two vans broke down at 4am. Thankfully the vans for full of 1 pilot and about 14 mechanics.
In the video above, Eli is enjoying his jumping johnny. He is actually learning to bounce in it; something Aiden never figured out. In the picture below, you can see how I found Aiden one night when I checked on him before I went to bed.
His big boy bed is working out pretty good. He's been waking up really early from nighttime and naptime and trying to come out and play. To help with this problem, I found this really cool clock thing that my mother-in-law bought for Aiden. I meant to take a picture of it so I'll have to do that for next time. Until then, I'll just describe it. It has 2 pictures on it: one of a bunny sleeping, and one of a bunny hoping along outside. We just got it about 3 days ago and we tell Aiden when the bunny is sleeping, you should be sleeping to and need to stay in your room. When the bunny is playing, that means you can play too and come out to the living room. He needs a reminder in the morning to look at the bunny but it's working!! This clock is awesome because they don't have to be able to tell time.

We've had some beautiful weather and we took advantage of it and went to the park on Thursday afternoon. Some friends of our ended up showing up at the park too which was great. The little boy in the pictures below is Kaden. He is Aiden's best friend. They are so sweet together and Kaden is just adorable (he always gives Aiden a hug bye). They are in the same class at church on Sunday and for MOPs.
Aiden is still fighting an ear infection and is on his third dose of antibiotics. I take both boys back on Friday morning so we'll see if it's gone.
The boys going down the little slide!
Kaden brought this cool bubble thing with him and let Aiden play with it. You can see daddy and Aiden below playing with bubbles.

Little, not so little, Eli. He's doing okay. We had to take him to the doctor on Friday because he was having a hard time breathing. He's really congested. The doctor says it's probably just a cold and either asthma or allergies. I don't think it's a cold because it's not getting worse or better. He's on oral albuterol to help him breathe but it's normally in his nose (although we can't really suction anything out). He has a hard time nursing too. I feel this is just the beginning of a long process to find out what is wrong with him because you can't really do anything for either of those things at his age.
All these pictures were taken on Sunday. Eli LOVES watching Aiden play. Aiden is not so fond of sharing his things but hopefully he'll start to loosen up some and learn to share.

We went for a family walk yesterday and hung out in the yard for a while. The boys are growing up so fast and I am trying to enjoy every second of it. Aiden mimics half the words we say ... we'll the first syllable at least :) He still doesn't really say any 2 syllable words or put 2 words together. Car rides are full of "I Spy" with Aiden pointing all the cars, trucks, boats, birds, and flags. He's so cute.
Aiden LOVES playing in the leaves which is fine because we have a TON of them in our yard. We never got the leaves burned from fall when Eli was born and I was on bedrest so there are lots of them. Aiden loves walking around and kicking them.

Eli's favorite game is peek-a-boo. Aiden somewhat liked it but Eli REALLY likes that game. Aiden decided to play peek-a-boo around the tree.
The video below is Aiden fetching the tennis ball he threw and then some of his ADHD showing by getting so distracted.
Eli has his 6 month well-baby appointment this Friday even though last Friday is when he turned 6 months old.
He is starting to move around a lot more and realizing his feet/legs can move things. He even turns his crib mobile which is mounted to the side of his crib, on with his feet by kicking it.
The video below is a little long (about 1.5 minutes) but it's cute. Whenever I say something that makes Aiden want to go downstairs. He stops, drops, and starts crawling backwards. He is such a safe little boy. I know Eli is going to be paybacks and I'm kinda glad we won't have steps at our house in Florida! You can also see in the video that Aiden really doesn't like the sound of jets.

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