Thursday, February 17, 2011

2/17 - Just truckin' along

The first picture is the tulip that Brad sent me last Friday. Aren't they so pretty? They smelled good too. Unfortunately, the cats liked the leaves so I had to keep moving them. Eventually, they went into my bathroom and I closed the door but the good thing was my bathroom smelled really good.
On Saturday we went to Gymboree and they had a sale on Gymbo, the clown of Gymboree. We got one. The boys take turns sleeping with at night. They also play "follow Gymbo" and do exercises. It's pretty cute. The ironic thing is the picture I posted is of Aiden giving Gymbo some love when it's really Eli that loves Gymbo.
On Sunday, we decided to get the race tracks out so the boys could play. Unfortunately, even though Eli has his own track, he just wants to play with Aiden's.
Monday was Valentine's Day and the boys got to open some cards and presents. They had fun. I had them all ready to open when they got home from daycare. Eli got a bright blue stuffed lizard and Aiden got a book and some Thomas DVD's. We watched one of the new DVD's that night. This is 3 years in a row that Brad and I have not been able to celebrate Valentine's day. I feel a Valetine's weekend coming on next year!
On Tuesday we went to the doctor. Both boys are doing better. Eli's ears look much better and Aiden, while he had a fever all weekend and wasn't feeling well, didn't have an ear infection. The fluid in his ears subsided which is why he probably stopped pulling at it. Aiden was giving Eli a hug because he thought Eli was getting shots again. That child has a heart of gold! Eli also went to the ENT and had a hearing test. He showed some hearing loss in the test and, in addition to his examination and history, the dr recommend tubes. I have no problem with that but unfortunately they are backed up until April. We just found out today they are going to refer us out but will keep us on the schedule in case more operating room time opens up. I pray it does because I really like the dr Eli saw.
On Tuesday night I went to a consignment sale and bought some good stuff. Both boys are pretty good on clothes for quite a while. I did pretty good and only bought 2 toys. One was a giant floor ABC puzzle (for $2) and the other was a pack of Cars characters (for $2). Not too bad.
Here is Aiden playing with his new cars.
Eli is playing with the McQueen car in his hand that came with new pack of cars. He is finally feeling better although he slept horrible last night.
Yesterday was hair cuts in the back of daddy's truck and then baths. Eli loves bath time as you can see from him trying to climb in the tub. I love bare bottoms. Too cute.
Aiden is getting pretty good at washing the soap off himself. He actually wanted to play in the tub last night which was good. The past few bath times have been pretty rough so it was nice to finally get a good bath night under my belt.
I have been trying to catchup with grading school work. There is also lots of yard work to do so I am trying to balance my time. I need to do some yard work or I will get a notice about how horrible our yard looks pretty soon. Hopefully my mom will be able to come up soon to visit. I have some good news: Brad's ship should be getting access to FB soon. This is huge! I'm pretty excited. I need to go pick up the boys and get back to make grilled cheese sandwiches which Aiden won't eat. It should be a fun battle tonight! I checked out books tonight on potty training and raising a "strong-willed" child. Until next time ....

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