Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2/8 - Ear problems

This is Aiden's new head position. His ear has been bothering him for a while but when I took the boys to the dr on Friday, she said it was just fluid. Eli on the other had a fever that has continued to go up over the week. Eli was trying to eat cheerios with his straw the other day. Needless to say, it didn't work out too well.
Saturday was a horrible day after gymboree. Eli was so needy. He was crying and glued on to me for the rest of the day. I couldn't even change Aiden's diaper without Eli hanging on me. I knew he wasn't feeling well but there was nothing else I could do besides give him Tylenol. On Sunday we still went to church because I saw it as a bonus because I didn't have to keep Eli. The picture of Aiden and I was taken while he was eating dinner before AWANA on Sunday night.
After the boys ate dinner, I let them play outside for about 15 min before we left. Aiden was playing with one of the neighbors toys.
I'm not sure when the next few pictures were taken but I know I haven't been taking many pictures because Eli has been so cranky. He's in a good mood in the picture with the sunglasss though.
Aiden and Eli were playing so well. Aiden was actually letting Eli ride on "his" bus and pushed him around everywhere. I turned the TV on to check the weather and they both stopped and were staring at the TV.
I hadn't taken any recent pictures of Eli sleeping and he's growing so fast. He loves surrounding himself with blankies. On Monday, I had to take Eli in for a follow-up from his ear infection and to do his pre-sedation physical for his MRI. By then, he had a fever for 8 days and and when he checked in his ears, she said they were "very angry and still very infected." She decided 3-day regimen of Rocefin would be the best course of treatment. This involves 2 very thick and painful shots everyday for 3 days.
We went back to the doctor this morning so Dr. Kellogg could see both boys. She wanted to check Aiden's ears because he was still doing his head tilt thing to the left. Eli needed his ears checked and get his second set of shots. She said Aiden still has fluid in his ears but they are not infected. She said Eli's ears were not any better at all and she was hoping for some improvement. She was going to consult with the ENT doctor today and possible have his ears drained and tubes put in very soon. We'll know tomorrow morning when we go back.
Brad pulled in to port in Turkey which means we got to Skype!! The boys enjoyed that today. I also got to go to the airport and pick up Arin and Grace. It's been 8 months since I've been them and it IS SO GREAT to see both of them. My next blog post will be about their visit here. Grace and Aiden had so much fun tonight. Arin has gotten some good pictures already and they've just been here a few hours.
Eli goes back to the doctor tomorrow so we can see if the Rocefin shots are working at all and to figure out what we are going to do next. I'm not sure what we are going to do over the next few days with our company in town. We'll have to see what the doctor says about Eli and what kind of weather we have. Either way, I'm very excited.

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