Saturday, February 26, 2011

2/26 - the park & Crystal visits

On Monday, I took the boys to St. Augustine which is only 55-60 min away. I took them to a park to let them get some energy out.
They had fun climbing and sliding and swinging. When it was snack time, I loaded them up in the van and went and met some friends at the outlet mall. We had fun but Aiden was still battling being sick so after we shopped for a short bit, I took them back home to get a good nap. That was a good choice because Eli (he wasn't event he sick one) came down with a fever later that day.
Aiden was playing with is remote control car and he wouldn't let Eli have the remote to play with it. Eli solved that by going to get the car. It cracked me up. Needless to say, crying started within about 30 seconds of me taking this picture.
Aiden wanted me to take a pictures of one of his new shirts so daddy could see it. That was the first new shirt that he has picked out to wear. It's a helicopter in case you can't see it.
Eli is doing much better eating with his fork. He still needs some work with his spoon although he doesn't actually want any help. He makes such a mess though with no help that I have to help him unless I would like to bath and wash his hair after any meal using a spoon. He has suddenly become pretty picky and hasn't been eating much.
I wanted to show Brad Eli's new jammies. They say, "My dad rocks." I took Eli to the doctor on Thursday because he'd had a fever all week and was pulling at his ears and being generally cranky. He did not have an ear infection (just fluid) but was starting to cough and be all stuffy.
Eli was crying so Aiden was trying to comfort him by giving him a hug. What a sweetie.
I was trying to get a meal ready and it wasn't going very well because both boys pulled up stools and camped out right where I was trying to get stuff done. It was cute though. Take a look at the shoes Aiden is wearing. They are my shoes and he has them on the wrong feet. That child cracks me up.
Crystal came over on Friday night and we had white chicken chili and played Wii Fit. After dinner, we played with the boys for a bit and then Crystal had a surprise for Aiden. It's a pillow pet that is a turtle. Aiden loves it. I asked him what we should name it and said, "Matthew." I was in shock. I didn't know he even knew a Matthew. Apparently there is a boy at daycare by that name. Our fishes name is fishy so I was thinking he was going to say turtle.
Both boys were rolling around on Matthew but Aiden made sure he is the only one who sleeps with it right now.
I came out of the kitchen after nap time and found Eli sitting on the coffee table in the dining room. The reason we have to push the table up in front of the tv is because Eli likes to push the buttons on it and that is a no-no.
After a bike ride and playing outside for a bit in the afternoon, we came in for dinner and then playtime and baths. The boys had fun running around naked (that means with diapers). They were actually playing chase and they were both having a blast.
Aiden didn't really want to get into the bath because he was playing with his valentine's game. Let me clarify that the "game" is matching the valentines that Nana sent.
Eli, of course, was having a blast in the bath. He recently discovered he can balance a cup on the spout and thinks that is the coolest thing ever and he's so proud of himself for doing it. I took this picture right after he balanced the cup because I knew he would look over and give me a huge cheesy smiled. I think he added a little more cheese when he saw the camera.
I got Eli out of the tub and then Aiden wanted out so I turned on the tv for Eli. As I walked out of the bathroom with Aiden in a towel, I find Eli climbing on the table again. Little booger. I can see this is going to be a battle.
I had to get out the 2nd chair that we have tonight so there could be peace in the house. These boys are too cute.
We have church tomorrow and then maybe a playdate on Monday. I'm see how Eli is feeling. He is feeling much better but just is always in a rotten cranky mood the majority of the time. He throws the fits that are crazy. I'm hoping it's him not feeling well because I'm scared to death to think of the possibility that this is his personality. We shall see. An ENT doctor did get him an appointment on March 7 which I am so thankful for. Communication with the ship was out for most of the week and then we had a day of communication and I think it will be touch and go for a while. Brad can't even read the blog because they've just internet down on the boat. I need to get everything ready for tomorrow and then go to bed.

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