Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2/7 - Amy's been sick

I haven't posted anything lately because I've been so sick and tired and have gone to bed not long after the boys. We've been doing some more arts and crafts lately. Here is Eli painting.

We tried this shredded crayon thing I saw on Pinterest but it didn't come out like I was hoping. I meant to take after pictures put I can assure you it doesn't look anything like the "before" picture you see below where you can actually read 'Aiden.'
We also bought a gingerbread house that was 70% off from Christmas and finally made it the other day. The boys had fun but it was really tough for Eli to actually decorate versus just eating all the candy. Aiden enjoyed decorating but I had to put limits on the amount of candy he ate too.
Here is Eli being ... Eli and silly while he was eating some meal. The kid is too cute.
The boys decided to get out all their boxes the other day and play cars. I've had them in the garage for a few weeks so it kept them occupied for a while because they were fresh toys.
The other day the boys decided to be silly and wear pant hats. They actually wore those on their heads for about 1.5 hrs. I was quite shocked.
Aiden's therapy has been going pretty well. He had a speech evaluation last week and we found out today he was diagnosed with 'Other developmental speech disorder' (moderate pragmatic speech language disorder) and developmental articulation disorder. That said though, his comprehension is in the 96th+ percentile and that of a 5 yr old. Even his expressive communication is at a 4 yr 3 month old level (he's 3 yrs 8 months) which is good but unfortunately, he doesn't use his speech and words when he needs to. He starts speech therapy in another week so hopefully it will help. Here is Aiden at therapy learning how to grip the pencil correctly and getting his hand held down by Ms. Lisa, his occupational therapist. He really likes her and she does a great job with him.
Last Tuesday, Brad pulled in to port for the afternoon/evening. It was SO GREAT to see him. He gave us (me and 2 friends) a tour of the ship and then we got a hotel on the beach for the evening. My awesome friend Stephanie picked up the boys from daycare and then kept them overnight so Brad and I could spend some time together. He had to be on the ship by 7:30am but it was great to see him for the little bit he was here. We decided for him not to see the boys because they wouldn't understand why he was leaving again so soon.
On Saturday, we went to a friends' birthday party in the afternoon. The kids were having a great time to start with.
They were playing fairy tag (which means my kids were just running around with all the bigger kids but having no idea what was really going on) and having a blast. Eli kept trying to run in the woods and hide.
Even Aiden was having fun playing chase.
Everything was great until it was cake time. Aiden was trying to wait patiently and he just has a hard time with that.
They had some chips to munch on and that held them over for a bit.
Then it was cake time. Aiden was having a very hard time deciding if he wanted cake or a cupcake so he kept saying he wanted both. I informed that was not an option so he better choose what he wants.
Eli had no problem shoving a cupcake in his mouth and he made sure he ate every bite! He enjoyed it thoroughly.
Aiden was so conflicted about cupcake or a cake. He had a cupcake he picked out but was crying at he ate it because he wanted cake. Needless to say, even after he finished his cupcake he wouldn't stop obsessing about cake.  He followed me around for about 15 min whining "cake, cake." I gave him a warning to stop it and he wouldn't so I packed us up in the van and left before presents were even opened. Eli was sad to leave because he was having fun but Aiden was on a power trip and needed to learn that mommy was the boss and I mean business. In the picture of Aiden holding the cupcake, he is actually crying and sobbing because he doesn't want it (although he won't give it to me for a piece of cake either). It was extremely frustrating for all of us.
Last night we were doing therapy stuff for Aiden and Eli wanted to participate too. Eli likes the putty with the treasures inside. He's actually really good at it and has pretty strong hand muscles.
Aiden wasn't too much into his therapy stuff last night.
I've been sick since last Wednesday night and was just completely wiped out over the weekend. I've had a migraine for almost 48 hrs so I'm praying for relief from some type of drug soon. On a good note, Brad sent me an e-mail today telling me that he is coming home tomorrow (rather than Friday). The house isn't read (cleaned) for that but hopefully he'll understand. Also, Eli went to the ENT yesterday and they put him on the surgery waiting list for replacement tubes and to get his adenoids out. Things could change though so we'll see. I need to feed the boys dinner and CLEAN like a mad-woman!

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