Monday, November 5, 2012

11/5 - Halloween Pictures

So I had some cool pirate costumes for the boys and then Eli refuses to wear his ... little stinker. He didn't like the belt thing I made for him but it totally made the outfit. Needless to say, he went as a Harley Davidson biker guy and Aiden went as a pirate. They were so excited.
They dressed up that day to go to daycare. Aiden dressed up as "daddy" as he says (which is a flight suit) and Eli wore the biker boy outfit but was asking to take it off before we even entered the daycare building. They were both in regular clothes by the time I picked them up later in the day. We left our house at 6:00pm and went trick-or-treating to a couple houses that were on our way to daycare. The church that the daycare is part of had a trunk-or-treat with bounce houses and games. It was quite a production. The boys were so excited. After we got some candy, the boys were itching to go on the bounce houses. They stayed together for a while but eventually, they split up to do different bounce houses.

After they were done After we made them go inside, there were lots of games to do. They both waited in a long line to do a little putt putt game. Although Aiden holds the club akward, he did well enough to hit the ball down to the hole. 
Eli on the other hand, just did his own thing. Brad tried to help him but .... Eli will hit how he wants. :)
They then found a baseball game where they had to throw the ball into the hole. Aiden did pretty good and got 2 balls in.
Eli is still working on his aim (he is only 3) and eventually walked right up to the hole and threw his ball in. It was priceless. We didn't even have to tell him it was okay to move up; he just decided that on his own.
We found a game where the kids had to throw a hula hoop over a pumpkin to get a prize/candy. Aiden had a little trouble doing it. He actually just knocked the pumpkin over one time and thought he was in trouble (see the picture below). He's so cute. He had to scoot up pretty close to get the hoop over the pumpkin.
Apparently Eli did a great job observing his brother try a few times because he went and got it on the first try. Whenever people would let Eli choose a treat, he always went for the dum-dums. This boy truly does love lollipops.
A favorite game of the boys is fishing. I'm not sure why they like it so much. I'm always surprised by how long they will stand in line to play this game. Amazing. Totally not worth it in my book but ... I'm not a kid. They both had fun though.
We finally convinced the boys we had done/seen all the games inside and that it was time to go home. We parked our stroller by the fire truck and when we came back out, they were letting kids sit in the back to take pictures. Here are Eli and Aiden. It's actually hard to see Eli because he's in the shadow of a pole.
We walked home and stopped at 2 houses on the way back to trick-or-treat. It was about 8:00pm and the boys were excited for people to come by our house to get candy. Once we got home, the boys set up their chairs outside and waited extremely eagerly for trick-or-treaters. They were so cute. They got so excited when people would come. They would get out of their chair and start walking towards the person who was 15 feet away in the driveway. I had to coach them and tell them to sit down and wait and be patient. They had a blast handing out candy. I only got one bag so we ran out quickly (I didn't think any trick-or-treaters would be left by the time we got home). I had to turn our lights off so people would stop coming to our house. Aiden was so sad when I had to do that. He said, "mommy, there are people coming." I told him we were all out of candy and he looked in his bag and pulled out 2 pieces and said he would give them his candy. What a heart of gold.
Here are a few random pictures from the past couple days after Halloween. The boys were playing frisbee outside. Aiden is getting pretty good at throwing it but his wind-up (see below) cracks me up and is kinda scary if you are standing by him. I thought he was going to decapitate Eli in the picture below but he actually threw it out in the yard.
Eli is getting better too at throwing it. They love throwing the frisbee and having brother go run and get it.
We started our Thanksgiving Tree. It spent a long time cutting this tree out but think it looks pretty good. Every evening, we all say what we are thankful for, write it on a leaf, and put them on the tree. I can't wait to see what it looks like at the end of the month.
We had a movie night for the boys a few nights ago. Here is Eli watching the movie after his dinner. This is what our living room looks like on movie nights. I have our picnic blanket down, the boys both have a stool they eat on, and we get to watch a movie. We do have to stop the movie and/or remind the boys to eat their dinner during movie nights. I try and let the boys have a movie night once every week or 1.5 weeks.

We were watching something that was a tad scary the other night. Here is Eli just rolling around in the living room watching TV. 

Aiden on the other hand, gets so scared during tv shows and movies. He was hiding under a blanket for some of it (I actually think it was a Dora or Diego episode they were watching). He usually gets up and leaves the room during the "scary" parts. I am very thankful Eli hasn't picked up this habit :)
Here is our tree after a couple of days. Eli  ALWAYS says he's thankful for God and Jesus so I told them you can only say something one time to put up on the tree. Eli has had to branch out a little and Aiden has been encouraging him and giving him ideas. It's pretty cute. Tonight, Aiden was thankful for going out to eat and getting to play and Eli was thankful for church. 
There are some really big changes coming to the Hoyt Household very soon. I've completely freaked myself and Brad out and we are taking dairy and simple carbohydrates out of our diet. In fact, most carbohydrates are gone except a few whole grains. Some of the research out there is terrifying and crazy. I feel like the USDA has just blindly given America recommendations over the last 30 yrs without the kind of research needed to do that. I'm a little nervous about such a big change for us but at least we are all in it together. We are going to eat more like they did in the olden days: lots of meat and protein, very little carbs. It's called the Paleo diet although it's not a diet, it's a way of eating. We'll see how it goes. There is lots of research to show that a number of diseases and disorders can be prevented by eating this way.

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