Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/14 - Big Green Bus and going to stores

The boys love going to exercise with us which is so great. I wish I was exercising more right now but until my medical stuff gets straightened out, I'll take what my body will allow. We went to base to exercise and then afterwards, we always let the boys play. Here is Aiden doing a pretty good job of kicking the ball. Eli is still entertained by us just chasing him so I don't have a video of that. Also, if the video will not play (I don't think it does if you are viewing it from Facebook) then you can go straight to the blog to watch it (
The boys really wanted me to come see them on the Big Green Bus a few weeks ago so I did. They were having a great time and there are so many kids doing it now that Aiden and Eli are in separate groups. They had the rings set up this week and they have been practicing hand stands. They both did really good and were definitely having fun. It cracks me up that Aiden is swinging with the rings around his armpits (and barely, if at all, swinging) and Eli was just running and swinging as high as he could. This has been a great experience for them.
Brad has had mid-terms the past week so he has needed some extra time to read, study, and write papers. One night I took the boys to Chick-fil-a for dinner and we were super excited to see that Spot It! is the new prize in the kid meals. The boys LOVE this game and now we have a mini travel version.
After dinner, I took the boys to Bass Pro Shop and let them play and run around. They really could stay here all day if I let them. We planned on doing something special at BPS too - getting a new penny. We have started collecting/making the souvenier flat pennies to the places we visit and Aiden really wanted one more from BPS. Aunt Pat sent him and Eli $1 each for Valentine's day so they both decided to use part of their money to make a penny (it costs 51 cents).

Aiden was pretty excited about his new penny. He's been trying to find a safe place to put them but keeps changing his mind as to where he wants to keep his special pennies.
I've been shopping for a mini wardrobe/pantry to help me organize. My house looks so cluttered and even though I know where most everything is, it still looks so sloppy. I've been trying to find ways to organize and one thing that I am going to do is put all the boys coloring, educational books, etc. all together and I want to put it all in a pantry type thing. I took the boys to the store with me (so Brad could study/write papers) and they were great helpers. I am a sucker and always carry their jackets for them but I am getting tired of that so Brad and I just showed them how to tie their jackets around their waste. They thought it was pretty cool.
Here they are testing out the shelf limit weight!!  Shortly after this the store had an announcement on the loud speaker about keeping your kids right by your side at all times. I had to laugh at that.

I tell you what - Eli is going to be a great helper in the yard. He loves to mow with me and he even mows the neighbors yards too. This bubble mower that Aiden got for his 2nd birthday is officially Eli's now. Eli was so upset when he broke the $1 plastic rake the other day because he couldn't help me rake. I'm on the lookout for a new one that is more sturdy since he really does like to use it.
Bath time with this kid is so much fun. He makes me smile and realize that bath time does not have to be a completely horrible stress-filled time.
So here is the "before" picture of our iPad. We need to fix the screen but I need Brad's help and he's been really busy so our screen is actually still broken but now it has tape on it. Hopefully I can post 'after' pictures soon. Getting the old screen off is a lot harder than the YouTube videos make it look!
I love that Aiden says he wants to "play in the rain." After we got home from daycare one day last week, the boys put on their rain boots and I let them play outside for a good 30 min or so. Here is Aiden gently, slowly walking through the puddle.
This picture of Eli makes me smile because I can only imagine what is going through his head. I can see on his check his dimple which means he is smiling because he is about to do something crazy. I love this kid!!!  He immediately jumped (with both feet) in the puddle and got his pants all wet. I told him it was fine and to keep playing and we could change his pants inside after he was all done.
They were taking turns going through the puddle (Aiden would walk, Eli would run) and Aiden wanted no part in having too much fun and getting wet or dirty. Look at the expression on his face as he watches Eli run through the puddle.  He is grimacing like it is the grossest thing in the world that Eli ran through the puddle and may get water on himself.

Eli is Mr. Helper in the kitchen. He loves to help us cook. Aiden is also becoming quite helpful and get everything he needs for his lunch.
We went to Home Depot to build a race car the first Saturday in March. The boys had a blast. Aiden did a pretty good job of trying to build it himself and putting all the nails in. Eli will give a good effort (a few hits with the hammer) and then he really just wants someone to build it for him while he bangs the hammer on the table and makes all the screws bounce off onto the floor. That is not frustrating at all! :) They built their cars and then we roamed around Home Depot for a bit so I could search for organization ideas and price some things out. The boys eventually found the floor cleaning machine and they stalked this poor guy for a long, long time. The followed his path all around that store!! We even stopped and talked to the guy for a while. They were fascinated. After about an hour, I told Aiden we needed to stop following him because it was probably a little freaky to the guy so we went and said bye to the man and then played on the tractors for a bit before leaving.
I have one more update to do. We took a quick trip to Atlanta last weekend and it was great. Pictures will follow soon. Brad is doing great in school although he is so ready for it to be all over. I have had some problems with low potassium and was even had to go to the ER at 4:30am a few weeks ago. Apparently the medication I take for adrenal insufficiency can lower my potassium level and a low potassium level can be a very dangerous thing. I saw my primary care dr on Monday and she is referring me to a neurologist so that I can get a sleep study done. The thinking is that I am so blasted tired all the time because maybe my body truly isn't getting any rest at night. We shall see.

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