Friday, April 26, 2013

4/24 - therapy

Aiden's therapy has been going pretty well lately. He's in the final stretch of his occupational therapy and only has a few weeks left. He has gotten SO SO SO much stronger over the past few months. We did encounter a bit of a hiccup a few weeks ago. At first we thought he got a spider bite (even the doctor thought so) but it turned in to ring worm. Needless to say, that is spreadable so when he was at OT, Mrs. Rusty needed to cover it up. Well, Aiden doesn't like things on his body like that. He's only worn a bandaid once or twice and can't stand that. Rusty put on Coban which only sticks to itself but it still had Aiden way out of his comfort zone. He was way upset and she took him calmed him down. It took a good 25 minutes or so but she did it. After he calmed down, she let Aiden make a boo-boo on her (with chalk) and then cover it up and then she was able to put one on him. He wore it for the rest of his 10 min of therapy but he was not happy about it.

She was trying so hard to make him smile and he wanted nothing to do with it.

The next week at therapy went much better. I wasn't sure if I was up for fight that Aiden was going to put up about getting the bandage on but Rusty said to bring him. We got there and he picked out what color he wanted and had it on in 5 minutes. I was shocked. He asked me to wear one too during his therapy time. Below you can see Aiden doing part of his obstacle course.
Mrs. Rusty got some new toys and Aiden really enjoyed carrying them around and velcro-ing their arms together to let them hang.
Aiden has always been scared/tentative to jump and be air born - even if he is landing on something soft. He's finally starting to get over that. It's so exciting and fun to watch. Not only is he jumping and getting some air under his feet, but he is also willing (sometimes) to land with a crash (on a mat). I never thought I would see him voluntarily do this. I think it's something that most parents probably don't think twice about but when you have a child who refuses to do certain things, you notice it more. I even had to take a little video for Aiden so he could see how awesome it was.
He has been saving his therapy dollars (he gets one at the end of every therapy session if he earned it) and bought something out of Mrs. Rusty's store. He searched for about 15 minutes and put lots of thought into his purchase. She just got lots of new stuff and he ends up buying this old (kind of a baby) camera. It's pretty cool with all the noises and stuff but it was a little surprising to me that this was his favorite thing.
Last week at therapy Aiden ran in and said, "I need to get my bandage!" I just about fell over. What a huge change from 3 weeks ago. Below you can see him in the spandex swing. He had to pick-up these balls that light up when you hit them and put them in with him. The lights were turned out and he eventually was swinging in the dark with the light-up balls in the swing with him. He then ended his session with some fine motor skill stuff.

I've noticed lately that while I've never been concerned about Eli and his developmental skills (he's been right on time) that I need to pay closer attention to him. He still hasn't figured out what hand is his dominant hand so he switches back and forth between his left and right all the time. He has also been always been pretty strong with his hands but I've noticed recently that while he is strong, he is not very accurate. He has trouble doing the fine motor things. He can't even get most stickers off the sheet. I've started trying to work with him and .... it's different than working with Aiden. Aiden will pretty much do whatever I or Mrs. Rusty ask. He may not like it but we tell him how many to do and he'll do it. That's not how Eli works. Eli will do one and then say, "you can finish the rest mom" or "I don't like this" and just leave. Mrs. Rusty has given me some tips so hopefully I can start "talking" Eli into doing more therapy type exercises. He refuses to hold a pencil/marker/crayon correctly so I need to step up my game and work with him a little more. I've definitely taken it for granted that Aiden just does therapy so well and wants to do well with it.

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