Friday, October 2, 2009

10/2 - Eli to the ER

I haven't been posting to the blog as much because .... I have a newborn and am getting no sleep and going to lots of doctor appointments. We got a call a few days ago that said Eli's PKU test was inconclusive. That's a test which looks for rare metabolic and genetic diseases. Eli's needed to be re-done because the results were not consistent. When I took him in (on Wednesday) I also showed the doctor what appeared to be a blister by his diaper area on his leg. They did a biopsy of it and sent it off to the lab. The picture above is Eli with his eyes open ... this is rare!! Below is Eli sleeping in after the rest of the house was up and running earlier in the week.
By Thursday morning, he had one more boil/blister and by the early afternoon he had yet another one. By the last evening, he had a dozen total. I called the on-call dr and they said to come in first thing in the morning. I took him in this morning and the dr promptly sent me to the ER with Eli. He had even more this morning all over his private area. We spent 5.5 hrs in the ER today. His white blood cell count came back okay but they still don't know what is wrong with him. They took another sample and are testing it for a virus and the bacteria sample should be back today or tomorrow. They gave us some ointment to put on it but it has already started spreading from his private area to his low abdomen. Please pray for him and this bacteria/virus to stop spreading. We have to go back to the dr tomorrow morning for a check up and to see if the bacteria results are in.
Eli did get his first the other day. He did pretty good ... we learned some lessons of what not to do for a first bath with Aiden! Below is my cute little Aiden in his Halloween pj's riding his Tonka truck. He is so cute and doing pretty well with Eli. He's gotten really possessive of the burp clothes (which are his blankies too) so we've had to get some new ones that look different.

Mom Hoyt is having fun with Aiden and had to watch him almost all day today by herself since I was in the ER and Brad was at work. Our goal over the past few days was so keep Eli awake during the day. It's very hard to do and we haven't been able to keep him awake more than 3 times a day but we are working on it still. He has his days/nights confused which mean Brad and I are not getting any sleep.
The picture below was taken this morning as everyone was getting up. The boys are so cute. Eli is sleeping in a contoured pillow and has room to grow. He did weigh in at 6 lbs, 1 oz yesterday at the breast feeding group.
The picture below was taken tonight. Aiden didn't want to sit still and Eli wanted to eat but it's a close as we can come to a family picture right now.

The picture above is grandma Hoyt and Aiden playing hid and go seek around the couch. Aiden was having a ton of fun tonight.

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