Monday, November 16, 2009

11/16 - Fall & the Gators

Nothing has really changed over the last week. Eli is still needy but has cute moments every now and then. Above is a sweet picture. I look at that picture when I get frustrated from all the crying. He has sat by himself quietly for a few minutes over the past few days. It's been awesome. It usually only lasts 2-4 min once a day but when it happens, I think to myself, "This is why everyone loves babies so much. They can be precious." That is rare that I get to see that.
The above pictures is how Eli sleeps at night. He has to be swaddled to sleep (unlike Aiden) but he's sleeping much better than Aiden too. The picture below is Aiden coloring at the table. This is the first time he's asked to color at the table. He's doing so much better with crayons and I don't have to watch him as carefully.
Eli finally fits into a Gator outfit so he had to wear it on Saturday. It was game day and while the Gators looked weak, they still won. During half-time, we went outside and raked leaves. Aiden loves using his own little rake. Brad had the blower and Aiden and I both had rakes. It was fun although we have a TON of leaves in our yard.

The picture above was taken Sunday morning. I got up early to workout before everyone was awake but Eli wanted to get up early too. Brad took him into our room and cuddled with him till I got out of the shower. The picture below is later in the day on Sunday. Aiden has on the cutest outfit that Grandma Hoyt picked out. He's got on little Guess jeans and cool helicopter t-shirt. He was styling.

Last night, as we were trying to keep Eli quiet, we decided he may not like to look at us. That said, we got the Bumbo and tried to put him in it. He's only 8 weeks so he doesn't have complete control of his neck yet. He sat in it for a minute or so before realizing no one was holding him and started screaming again which is when we took the picture. Below, Aiden is wearing his new jammies. Too cute. It is a one-piece outfit with rubber things on the feet.
Finally, I took this picture today. Aiden and Bronco staring outside. Tonight, right before bedtime, Aiden bit his lip and it was bleeding. He screamed pretty loud and put his hand in his mouth. Brad was sitting right next to him so we weren't sure what was wrong because Brad didn't see anything. I thought Aiden hurt his fingers because he had them in his mouth and when I pulled them out, he had blood all over them. Poor little guy.
Eli has his 2 month well baby appointment on Thursday and then he gets dedicated on Sunday at church. Brads parents are coming on Saturday and will be here for a week. Aiden is so cute and is growing up so fast. He's starting to talk some now and that's exciting for us. The video below was from today. Aiden got a soda can and then came and sat in the Bumbo. He then decides to put the soda in the fridge for dad!!

The video below is dark but you can see some of it. It's Aiden trying to help Brad change Eli's diaper. He helps Brad unsnap Eli's onesie. What a good helper.

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