Sunday, November 22, 2009

11/22 - Eli's dedication

Things have been going pretty well. Eli is still fussy, especially at night but we've seen glimpses of cuteness and try and remember that this is only temporary. As you can see from above, Eli is in his bouncy seat and not crying which is amazing (and he's awake). The picture below is from bath time the other night. He likes baths as long as they don't last too long.
Mom and dad Hoyt came in town last night and went to church with us today. The picture below is from this morning after we put Eli in bed with us so he could nurse and I could sleep a few more minutes. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. It's amazing how something so precious asleep can cause so much havic when he's awake!
Eli had his 2 month well-baby visit on Thursday and is up to 12 lbs!! That's over twice his birth weight. Most babies double their birth weight by 6 months but not this little porker. It's amazing though because he's almost always gone 3 hrs between feedings which is great for a breastfeed baby. At night he goes a little longer but not as long as I'd like!
Today at church was Eli's dedication. We bought him a special outfit and shoes. He had a cute Winnie to Pooh outfit. He'll also wear this for family pictures that we take on Dec. 5. Even though Eli looks like a little porky pig below, you can see where his dimples are and I think it's adorable.
Today was also the day that Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes were collected. We did 7 and had a blast doing them. It's so exciting to think we could effect a little boy/girls life and lead them to the Lord by being exposed to His word. Our church meet our goal of 500 boxes which was exciting too.The picture below was taken during the service. I thought Eli looked so cute because he was smiling (and it wasn't from gas). He's been smiling a little over the past 2-3 days but I can't seem to catch it on camera.
We went to a Mexican restaurant after church. Eli tried to spoil the fun a couple times but there were enough people there to pass him around and keep him happy.
The picture below is Aiden during bath time. He LOVES the bath and could spend an hour in there.
The picture below is from a walk on Friday. We walked by a bulldozer and he we let him touch it and he got so excited. He loves trucks.
Below is from today at the restaurant. Aiden was too cute although a little fussy. He's gotten 4 teeth in the past 2 weeks .... so we thought. Today was he getting really cranky at lunch and while he was crying, I saw in his mouth a huge tooth that was bleeding. It turns out, what we thought were tips of teeth were actually just cornes of teeth and he's getting 4 molars in at once. Two have broken all surfaces through the gum. Aiden isn't a fan of this kind of teething.
I tried to make up for all his discomfort by using a popsicle. That was his first one and he loved it. We still drugged him tonight and hopefully he'll sleep through the night. Last night he woke up screaming and now we know why.
Below is a video I took on Friday of Aiden and Bronco on the treadmill. I'll have him running soon!
This should be a great week. Mom and dad Hoyt are here, Brad only has to work 2.5 days, and I'm gonna get to workout some more. Fun week.

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