Sunday, February 14, 2010

2/14 - Blizzard Round #2

So after we got done with the 2 feet of snow that got dumped on us last week, we got
more on Tues/Wed of this week!! This blizzard Part 2 brought tons of wind and some more snow. You can see in the picture above that we actually had white-out conditions for a while and the winds were up to 45 mph. In the video below, can see (and hear) the wind pretty well.
Our driveway was shoveled out the night before this blizzard hit and I was shocked to see that you couldn't even tell it had been shoveled!!! We had 2-2.5 ft snow drifts where I had plowed out the drive-way earlier. In the picture below, I fell while I was going to stand for the picture. There is LOTS of snow in our side/backyard.

We got some pretty amazing icicles too. Some of them got to be 3 ft in length!

Aiden learned something new he can do with icicles. He figured out he can suck on them like a popsicle. Yummy.
In the picture below, Aiden was making snowballs to throw. Unfortunately, most of the snow would get stuck to his glove and he couldn't throw it. Needless to say, it was still funny to watch.

Aiden didn't like playing outside during the blizzard (he didn't like the wind) but when it finally got nice outside (a relative word at this point), we went out to play. Aiden decided he was going to push his bubble blower around in the snow. I didn't have any bubbles in it because it would freeze in the garage but he still had fun.
Aiden tried to help shovel snow since Brad isn't here to help but it wasn't the same. He could barely move the shovel it was so heavy. My elbow has been bothering me and shoveling snow has made it much worse. Hopefully I'll get to stop shoveling snow soon!

This is big boy Eli chillin' out inside while I Aiden and I play outside. I call him my 'Chunk-a-monk.'
Last Friday I was taking pictures of Eli since he was a20 weeks. Aiden wanted to get in on the action and it then occurred to me ... Aiden is 20 months.
In the picture below, my chunky monkey Eli is 20 weeks and weight almost 17 lbs!! Aiden just turned 20 months!
Eli has been doing pretty good lately. The last 2 nights have been pretty bad because he thinks 5:00am is his wake-up time (I'm not so excited about that). He still has very little interest in rolling over but we still make him do tummy time. He drools like a mad-man and sucks on anything he can get his hand on or his hand if he can't grab anything. The crazy thing: he's not teething ... his gums are not swollen at all!
We've been forced to be inside a lot over the past 2 weeks. Below is a picture of Aiden and grandma watching for birds. They are finally coming back out and Aiden loves to watch birds or any kind of animal really.
Our friends, Don and Andrea, built a snow cave with all the snow in their yard. Actually, it was Becky, their daughter, and Don that built the cave. When I saw pictures on Facebook, I knew I had to take Aiden to see it. Thankfully, they let us come over. Aiden was a little leery at first but he likes Becky so having her there to play with calmed him down.

Once we got in the cave he was scared and wanted to just stand on my lap. Becky showed him how if you run your hand on the roof, snow will come down. Aiden that was pretty cool and decided to give it a try. After a few handslaps on the roof, I was getting nervous he was going to make the cave collapse so we stopped that game.
Aiden crawled out on his own. He wanted to keep playing but it was getting dark and cold so we had to leave.

We tried finger painting for the first time yesterday. I wasn't sure if Aiden would like it since he doesn't like getting dirty. He didn't mind it though. He loves coloring and using markers and he got into this pretty fast and liked it. I stripped him down and planned to go from the kitchen floor to the bath. We did have a little heater set up in the kitchen so Aiden wouldn't get cold. I knew there was no way we could get those socks off him so I didn't try (he won't walk on tile if he doesn't have socks on).

As you can see in the video below, he did pretty good at the finger paints. I had to let go of the control and not freak out because he ran his finger through all the colors ... it was good for me!

After church today we came home and relaxed. After a walk, we turned on the Daytona NASCAR race. Aiden went nuts. He recently saw the movie 'Cars' for the first time and couldn't take his eyes off the TV. When Brad gets back guess I know what the boys will do on Sunday afternoon ... NASCAR bonding time.

Eli was being cute this afternoon. Here is a picture of him smiling so big. He can be a really happy baby at times. He's starting to get really ticklish.
Look at the cute little man ... so stinkin' cute.

Brad should be coming home at the end of the week for a few days which would be awesome. It's the Navy though so I'm trying to mentally prepare for it not happening too.

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