Saturday, February 6, 2010

2/6 - Blizzard 2010

So we have had lots of snow lately. Wednesday was spent running around making sure we had groceries and such for the snowstorm we currently have. Thursday was my mom's infusion in Annapolis and we got some camping-type stuff on the way home in case we lose electricity. In the picture above, Aiden wanted to hang out in his room, the only place where he can have his blankie and paci. Sometimes he still gets jealous of Eli and will go in his room, lay on the floor, and get his paci and blankie. There are worse things he could do so I'm okay with that.
Some of these pictures are out of order. Aiden and grandma were coloring the other day. Aiden loves hanging out with Aiden and I'm so grateful that she is still here to help out while Brad is away. Eli is getting bigger everyday. Now that he's on all the medicines, one of them is working!! He's not throwing up as much and he's sleeping at night. It's beautiful!! Here he is wearing some cute overalls hanging out on Aiden's pillow.
Eli weighed in this week at 16 lbs, 7 oz. He's my chunky monkey. He's getting stronger everyday too. He can now last about 15 min in the exersaucer (compared to 3 min 2 weeks ago). We only have 1 more day left of treating thrush. I'm so excited. His part of the treatment is a huge pain and I feel like I give him medicine all day long.
The boys were hanging out in the living room the other day. There are some times when I think Eli looks just like Aiden and other times when I think they look nothing alike. It will be interesting to see how their personalities come about.
The boys were doing tummy time. Eli still does not care for it yet and I don't think he's close to rolling over anytime soon (unfortunately). He's fine with just sticking his head straight down on the blanket for tummy time.
He can finally bear his own weight for a minute now. That chunky monkey has a lot of weight to hold up and his legs can actually do it for a little bit. Here is Aiden showing Eli the new bee on the exersaucer.

Eli put himself into a nap today. He loves this blanket that his great grandma Hagan gave him. It is very soft and furry.

It is safe to say, I've never shoveled so much snow in my life. Yes, I have lived in Florida MOST of my life but still. I lived in Cleveland for 2 years and we had over 100 inches of snow fall both winters but other people took care of the snow plowing since I lived in an apartment. This is our house from the corner. You can barely see it with the plow snow piles which are about 3.5/4 feet high right now.My strategy for the blizzard: keep shoveling and don't get behind!! I think it's worked. I went out twice yesterday and shoveled and twice today. I will need to do a final shovel tomorrow but it won't be bad. Each time I'm out there for about an hour and I'm sweating my the end. In the video below, Aiden was helping me out yesterday. They made a snowman at daycare on Thursday so he got used to grabbing snow with his hand (he won't do this for me usually ... he HATES getting dirty). Friday, while I was out shoveling for a bit, Aiden decided to help me by grabbing snow and putting it in my shovel. Too cute. If you are reading this on FB, you can go to to see the video.

Here is our entry way. The snow came under our balcony and onto our front door by mid-afternoon (when the winds changed).
The snow doesn't look very deep here but ... it is!! That's the space I've shoveled out for myself. After all that work,when I was done I realized my van wouldn't clear the middle part so I had to go back and take out half the stuff off the top in the middle. At least that was light snow from today.
I took Aiden out with me today again but he didn't have any fun. It was way too windy for him. He kept getting hit in the face with snow and wanted to go back in not long after I had him out. He was trying to make his alligator eat snow (it's a sand toy). This snow was from last night. You couldn't even tell I had been shoveling the day before.
The picture below was taken this afternoon. I shoveled at 10am and then again at about 3:30pm and you couldn't see that I had done any work. Snow was everywhere at 3:30 and a couple inches thick on stuff I had just done a few hours before. The picture below is ... bushes. They used to be anyway. There is so much snow that they are less than half the size the usually are and it has completely smothered some of them.

The picture below was taken from our side yard. The snow is up to my knee and I'm still a few inches from the ground because the snow is so packed. Our poor dog has no where to go potty at right now and he disappears in the snow.
This blizzard has been a crazy experience. God does such marvelous things. It really is so beautiful. I would really like to go for a walk with Aiden tomorrow to look around but it's supposed to be really cold tomorrow. We'll have to see. There will definitely be no stroller pushing ... even with the baby jogger. I think he can handle the cold and the lack of wind should be good.

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