Saturday, January 30, 2010

1/30 - 2nd dr appt and lots of snow today!

An Eli medical update first: I did go back to see the other doctor on Thursday for Eli. Eli and I are both being treated for thrush which is a huge pain. I have to sterilize his pacis and anything else that has been in contact with his mouth every night. I also have to swap the inside of his cheeks four times a day which takes a while to do because he doesn't exactly like it. The doctor also put him on reflux medicine. I don't know if it's working yet because I'm giving him both the reflex medicine and the anti-spasm medicine. He did pretty good last night (woke up 4 times I think) but horrible the night before (woke up 6 times before 1:30am which is when I brought him to bed with me although that didn't really help). Hopefully tonight will be another decent night.
Here are the 18-week pictures. The one above is Aiden, below is Eli. Eli's picture is closer so he looks bigger than he probably should. However, he is bigger than Aiden. Look how big his head is ... he's fitting into Aiden's 6-9 months clothes at 4 months old. He's also starting to go bald (Aiden went bald at 3 months).
Eli and I are getting a long a little better over the past few days. He can be really cute. In the video below, he was just hanging out. There is nothing special about this video but it lets Brad see Eli in motion. He's getting strong!
[Don't forget you can see the videos on the real link at:]
In the picture above he was smiling (you can see his dimples barely) and in the picture below, he was so happy he was about to talk to us. He's trying to talk a bit more and is tolerating play time so much better than he did a month ago. He's not even close to rolling over really. He's rolled over once or twice from his tummy to his back but it was because his arm was positioned to help do that. I don't think he realizes he can move his big body yet.

In the picture below, Aiden is playing with his new colored pencils (I found some in a box). He really likes them and it's nice for him to have a coloring activity that I don't have to do with him (like markers) so that I can make dinner.
Eli and I took a nap this morning while mom watched Aiden. I had Eli taking 3 naps (2 pretty short ones - his doing) and one long one (my doing because I swaddle him or hold him). I made the one long one when Aiden takes his nap too ... that's usually the only way I can get a nap which I normally need since I'm up so much at night. Today Eli boycotted that idea and took a 2 hr nap this morning and an hour nap in the afternoon. I put him down at 8:00 tonight rather than 8:30pm. We'll see how that works out.
Eli is still acting like he's teething although he's not yet. At least he's getting used to pacifying on his fingers which is great. Eli is starting to get some strong legs. They are strong enough to support him now and he likes standing for very short periods of time.
Everything goes in his mouth. He was watching us eat lunch today. (Love that toy Jess).
I wanted to make sure I was producing enough milk for Eli so I pumped a bottle today. He was actually holding it by himself for a bit today. His milk consumption had decreased dramatically. Since he was a few weeks old, he has always taken 4 oz of milk a feeding. Since we got out of the hospital last month, he only takes about 2.5 oz now. Very weird but he only took half the 4 oz bottle I gave him today.
Since we were stuck inside most of today, we played everything Aiden wanted to. That included drawing .... circles. Well, almost circles. He's getting pretty good but they look like 'U's.
I'm not sure how much snow we got today ... about a foot I think. We put some snow in a bowl and let Aiden play inside. Here is the little snowman we made!!
Here is a close up of him ... he had blue eyes until he started to melt because it was 69 degrees in our house and snow doesn't stay hard!!
The video below is Aiden playing with the bowl of snow. Too cute.
After I bundled Aiden all up, we went outside. A few cars drove by earlier so we walked in their path. The snow was pretty deep. In the video below, he was walking in my footsteps and I was making choo-choo sounds earlier. He is too cute and didn't want to go back inside.
Church has been canceled for tomorrow. Not sure if I can handle another day of this crazy cold windy weather. I keep telling myself: This is your last winter with snow for a while.

I need to get to bed before Eli decides to give me a difficult night. Brad is flying right now. Please keep him your prayers.

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