Sunday, January 17, 2010

1/17 - Eli's almost 4 months old!

I'm posting a bunch of pictures and some are out of order. The picture above and below are from Friday. It was beautiful outside .... almost 60 degrees which is quite a difference from the 30 degree weather we've had all week. We went outside and walked around in the yard for a while. Aiden also thought it would be a good idea to mow the gravel of the driveway.
I decided it was time to get the exersaucer out. Eli still doesn't have the best head control right now but he canw work on it. He's behind in a lot of his "markers" he's supposed to be reaching because he spent so much time getting held from birth to 3 months. He's starting to grow out of this colic thing which is huge. You can see below what happened after I got the exersaucer out.

Eli could barely hold his head up and his torso was whipping all around so I took him out and look who was trying to crawl in.
I hosted a MOPs (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting last week and we made edible play-doh. I dressed the boys in matching outfits for that day. They looked so cute.

Eli is starting to grab things and he loves this caterpillar that makes noise.
As you can see below, we are trying to make Eli do tummy time. He's getting better at it and he's rolled from his tummy to his back a few times.

Aiden trying to play with Eli. Eli likes the black/white sides on this toy.
Eli has his cute moments but they come and go. He cried any time he was awake the other day (I'm not kidding) so he slept for more than half the day. He really didn't want to be awake tonight so he went to bed early. He did great last night and didn't wake up at all throughout the night. He went to bed at 8:15 and woke up at 7am. His sleep is still very hit and miss so we are praying for another good night!

Grandma and Aiden have been having lots of fun. They were coloring the other day. Aiden really enjoys his grandma!
We opened the sleeper sofa tonight since Aiden kept dropping his cars in the couch and he thought the sleeper couch was the coolest toy ever. I got the camera out and pointed it at him and he said, "cheese" without any prompting. Too precious. Aiden boycotted dinner tonight so I'm sure he's gonna eat a Brad size breakfast tomorrow.
Bradley: I miss you lots and can't wait for you to get home again. We miss you and wish you were here.

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