Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1/12 - Brad has been gone a week!

Things have been going pretty good. Brad has been gone a week but some of these pictures were taken before he left. In the picture above, Aiden got his hard hat and name tag and then went and sat on his truck. Too cute. In the picture below (which was taken on Jan. 4), we were celebrating my mom's birthday. The rest of the family had some cake and Brad bought me some cherries to have (I LOVE cherries). Mom had a quite birthday but we wanted to celebrate it somehow.

Eli has been learning how to play on his own lately. In the picture above, I am reading to him which he is starting to like. In the picture below, Eli has a bunny that Aunt Pat gave Aiden. It's ears moves and cheeks light up. Eli loves holding on to the soft fur while it moves and sings.

As you can see in the picture above, Eli loves to hold onto something ... he's not real picky about what but must have something to be content. He's also started sucking his thumb a little.
Aiden has gotten a few new presents since we've been home. His daycare provider, Michele, gave him a Thomas the Train set that goes into a box that is also a bench. He LOVES it. It is an aquarium theme and has some cool stuff with it. We also opened up a tent that my mom gave him for Christmas. It's supposed to go over a bed but he doesn't have a toddler bed yet so we set up on the floor. He loved playing in it. We had it set up for a few days and put his trains inside there. He didn't like the cats going into his tent though.
We skyped with Brad the other day. The last time we did that with Aiden was about a year ago. He is much more aware now. The picture below is Aiden looking behind the computer screen for the rest of daddy! It was too cute. After Brad signed off, Aiden asked for "more." The day afterwards I turned my computer on and he said, "da." That means dada in his world. Too cute.
I took the picture a few days ago to have some documentation of how much Twix loves Eli. She has her own spot in his crib but she sleeps with him almost every night. She slept in the tent the other night though but usually sleeps at the end of the crib.

One of my clients gave Eli a hat/mitten set and a sweater. The hat/mitten set are too big for Eli so we let Aiden try them on. The two pictures below are from that. He wasn't so sure about the hat in the first picture.

Okay, here is the lowdown on the 3 videos below. If you want to see the videos, they don't show up on FB so you'll have to go to the blog at: http://thehoytfamilyhappenings.blogspot.com

The video was taken tonight. Aiden has reached a new level. He now feeds himself his own veggies. He's started eating some regular veggies but when I do give him pureed, he'll eat them on his own now! Yeah.
The video below is from the other day when Grandma was playing with Aiden on his rocket that Aunt Pat gave him. He thought it was so much fun to run into his other toys. He was doing some serious belly laughs this day!
This last video was taken before we left for Christmas vacation (it was actually the same day). I found out Aiden loves this game and Brad started doing it with him. It's the simple things that make kids laugh. So refreshing sometimes.
Tomorrow I have 11 adults and 14 kids coming over to make edible play-doh. I'll post pictures of that craziness later.

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