Wednesday, July 25, 2012

7/25 - Our outings

I visited my first Bass Pro Shops a few weeks ago. We picked the boys up early one day from daycare and headed down the street. Bass Pro Shops is actually in Prattville (rather than Montgomery) so it was just a few minutes away. The boys had a great time. We just stared at all the fish for the first 10 minutes.
We headed upstairs where they had a children's event going on. The boys were not interested in sitting and listening to a lecture but they were up for trying a mini bow and arrow. Both boys got to shoot it with daddy's help and hit the target which means they got a prize too.
The trigger was a little hard for them to pull but otherwise, they enjoyed it.
They also got to play with fishing poles. I was surprised they were able to figure out how to push the button to lower the line. I didn't even attempt to teach them how to cast the line but they had lots of fun reeling in the line after they pushed the button to let it down.
They also had a ton of fun playing in the boats. Here is Aiden pretending like he's catching his daddy.
We participated in Cow Appreciation Day for Chick-fil-a about a week ago. Here is Aiden showing me the iTouch he was playing on.
Eli wasn't so excited to wear his cow costume because he didn't like the shirt. He could feel the giant black cow dots and that really bothered him. I would figure Aiden would complain about that before Eli. Eli wore his long enough to get his free meal. Brad made shirts for him and I and they turned out really cute.
We went to the zoo last week for the first time. It's about 20 minutes away which is half the time it took us to get to the zoo in Jacksonville. Oh yeah. Speaking of Jacksonville, we are headed back there next fall for Brad's Department Head tour. We let the boys play on the playground for a while at the zoo before we started walking around. Here are Aiden and Eli on the climbing ropes.
Aiden and Eli got to feed the giraffes which was pretty fun for them. Eli just dropped his lettuce leaf on the floor the first time but thankfully he got another one and was able to feed the giraffe the next time.
We got a year membership to the zoo along with unlimited train rides. We ended up riding the train two times around this visit. It's a great ending activity since they are so tired by then.
Here is one of the playgrounds across the street from us at the elementary school. The boys enjoyed playing and getting some energy out of their system before the rain came.
It was snack time so they both had snack on the playground. Aiden chose this bouncy platform for his snack area.
Eli just camped out by one of the slides to have his snack.
Since there was no one else there, we let the boys practice climbing up the slides. They always love it when we let the climb up slides!!
Here is little Eli drawing circles on the chalkboard. He's doing such a good job drawing (he's even holding the chalk correctly) and scribbling.
Aiden was being so cute the other day and told us he was going to read to Eli. Eli sat right down beside him and Aiden had a picture book and was telling Eli what each picture was. Too cute.
Here are both the boys in our new sitting chairs playing on the iPad and iTouch. These boys are starting to get really good at some of the games.
Today we went to the pool and tomorrow we will be going to the movie theater to see How to Train Your Dragon. Aiden also has a screening appointment to get the ball rolling to start any therapies he still needs. I have an early appointment to get some blood taken and Aiden will be going with me since he has an appointment at the base too (for his testing). This will be the first time we've taken Eli to a movie theater. Thankfully it's just the $2 movies so we can leave if he can't sit still that long. Things are going fairly well and we are just enjoying Brad's last week off before he starts school.

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