Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9/25 - Eli's 3rd birthday & the Hoyt's visit

It's been a while since I posted so I need to catch up. Here is Eli doing exercise (squats) on the boss ball. He cracks me up. He loves jumping on it.
Brad is super busy in school but when he's home and not reading, he's very interactive with the boys. Here he is giving them a ride. I have no idea why Aiden is wearing a penguin hat but it's pretty funny.
The boys were insistent upon playing chase with luggage (I think they were calling their luggage "puppies" although they would have killed it if it was a real puppy). They were doing laps around the living room and kitchen for quite a while. Aiden was wearing his jacket (no it isn't cold outside).
Eli was just thankful to have something on wheels to pull around.
Aiden said he wanted an "animal pancake" the other morning for breakfast. I thought he was referring to these animal shaped skillets Nana gave us and told him we didn't have time for that. He said "how about we make an animal out of a regular pancake? You can make some eyes, a nose, and some ears. Just ask daddy how to do it." He  cracks me up. Brad is gone by the time the boys eat breakfast at about 7:15/7:30am so I just improvised. Here is Aiden's ... bear pancake. He was okay with it an ate it all. I tried to make a bear pancake for Eli too and he flipped out and fell to the ground in tears because he didn't want his banana cut up.
I forget sometimes how easily entertained kids are. Here are Aiden and Eli throwing soft things at the wall to try and get the sticky frogs and lizards that they threw up and got stuck on the wall. It was so much fun watching them try to get them down.
The boys are playing so well together for the most part. Here they are playing legos. As long as we divide the platform up, they do well.
Here is Aiden helping me put red sprinkles on the cupcakes for Eli's class at daycare. He enjoyed putting the sprinkles and really wanted to help out in any way in the kitchen.
Here are the boys playing with a tub of random animals. They are such sweet boys.
This picture of Eli sleeping cracks me up. He is laying his head on his mickey mouse and has little bag around his wrist. He's so precious. He didn't even wake up from the flash in this picture he was so tired.
Grandma Jo and Grandpa Dave came to visit from Iowa and arrived on the afternoon of Eli's birthday (Sept. 18). We picked him up early and brought the boys home to play with their grandparents. In the evening, once daddy got home, we opened presents. Although Aiden was so gracious to offer lots of help opening presents, Eli opened them by himself. He had a blast. Next year we are going to have let him have a big birthday party with his friends. Here he is wearing a birthday hat he got at daycare.
Eli did a great job sharing his toys with Aiden and let him play with them too.
I love this picture of Brad giving Eli raspberries on the belly. Eli's face is so stinking cute and they were having so much fun. 
The boys even let me take a picture of them with grandma and grandpa. Eli wouldn't let go of his new helicopter though.
The day after Eli's birthday, grandma Jo made a cake for him using a race car tin someone had given us. She even decorated and let Aiden help. Here is Aiden helping put on the frosting. He did a pretty good job.
The cake looked great (and tasted great).
Eli enjoyed us singing Happy Birthday to him but felt he needed to sing along too but was unsure of what to do when we got the part where we said his name. It was cute.
The rest of last week went by as usual except that the boys left daycare early so they could come home and spend time with grandma and grandpa. On Thursday night, Brad and his dad picked up a playground set to put together. Here is Aiden actually snuggling a bit. This is a rare picture! He didn't nap and was pretty tired so he laid down on grandma's lap for a bit.

Brad and Dave (Brad's dad) worked almost all day on Saturday and little on Sunday. We told Aiden he couldn't go out and play on it until Eli woke up from his nap. Well, Eli woke up from his nap and wanted to snuggle with grandma so he took Aiden's place and Aiden headed outside to play.
Here is what it looks like. Here are Aiden and Brad swinging. There are still a few minor things that need to be done like putting the canopy up over the clubhouse and adding the picnic table but it's useable now. 
I'm taken on the role as Director for the Cubbies program at our church. I wasn't expecting that and have spent lots of time over the past 2 weeks trying to catch up and get things organized. Grandma Jo has helped out getting me ready by helping prepare the arts and crafts for this week and the awards chart for the year. Here is Eli being all cute on Sunday night. He goes in the nursery (he's 2 weeks too young to be in Cubbies) and loves it on Sunday night.
Aiden saw Eli and I taking a picture and he wanted to get in on one too. I love these boys. 
On Monday at daycare, they had a trike a thon to raise money for St. Judes Hospital. Aiden brought Eli's bike (I'm not sure why he didn't want his). I didn't let Eli take a bike because he won't use the pedals and I'm tired of buying him new shoes because he drags his toes on the ground rather than using the pedals. I stopped by the daycare to see if they needed help and to see my little boy in action. Here is Aiden. It was a tad chilly this morning so Aiden wanted to wear his jacket ... and apparently not take it off during the day. He's so silly. He's even got the hood on under his helmet.
They were letting all the kids take turns on the bikes so here is Eli riding a bike. Of course he didn't use the pedals but I made him wear his shoes that already had holes in the toes.
Here is Eli with his teacher, Ms. Erica. She is such a sweet woman! 
After getting picked up early from daycare, the boys came home and played. Here they are out on the playground trying to find different ways to have fun. Brad lowered the swings all the way down so they can push off the ground while sitting in the swing but Eli is still figuring that out.

Here are both both in swinging action.
Needless to say, they really like their playground set. Here is Eli playing picnic with grandma. She took the boys for a bit on Monday night so Brad and I could both get some work done.
Here is Brad playing with Eli in the laundry basket. Eli was having so much fun and giggling hysterically.

And finally, here is grandma Jo reading the boys a story before night-night time. You can see Brad and his dad in the background. It's been great having them here. They have been working hard on various projects and the boys loving spending time with them. I was feeling very under the weather towards the end of last week and it was great that they were around to help out.
 We have a few more afternoons to enjoy with grandma and grandpa before they head back to Iowa.

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