Sunday, December 16, 2012

12/16 - Christmas musicals & OT

Here is what the boys painted in Brush Buddies this month. As both Aiden and Eli say, "it's a sock." They said they didn't write their name or year but I think it would have been so cute for Aiden to have written his name and the year. Eli, well, he's not quite at that level yet. The only bad thing - they are 2 different sizes. That's never a good thing when both boys are so close in age. It's better if everything is the same size and quantity. :)
This week has been busy. On Sunday night, Aiden had a little musical act with the Preschool Choir. It was too cute. They did 4 or 5 songs and were so cute. Aiden had a lot of fun and they all did a great job. At one point in between songs, I found Aiden just twisting his body around with his arms flapping out to the side (see the bottom of the collage). There was also a song where they were acting like they were riding camels (see the top center and right picture in the collage). The picture in the middle is all of the Preschool Choir. All of the smaller kids (every other child) are in Cubbies with me on Sunday nights after they practice choir.
We got some much needed rain the other day and the boys decided to play in the puddles. We encourage "messy" play as much as possible because normally Aiden would have nothing to do with it.
Eli was having fun just jumping around in puddles. Aiden took the christmas tree branches that we had to cut off the bottom and he used them to "make a bridge" over the puddles. Brad and I found this humorous considering he was the one who wanted to play in the puddles.
On Tuesday morning, Aiden had OT. Here is the thing with therapy. Aiden is doing so much more than he would a couple months ago. I get scared though. I want him to do well and improve and ultimately not need therapy, however, I get nervous because we had a couple month gap of no therapy between moves and Aiden started to go down hill so fast. There is a special dynamic between a child and a therapist that I (or Brad) cannot replicate. Even though he has to do stuff he doesn't love, he still likes to go to therapy and will do stuff during the week for the therapist (not for me). He can't always be in therapy so I need to figure out how to get him to do things that are challenging and uncomfortable for me more successfully. While he is still in therapy, I'm taking lots of mental notes and sometimes even tangible ones. I just realized yesterday that Eli can turn this wind-up flashlight we have on and off pretty easily; Aiden can't. His fingers and thumb aren't strong enough. There are situations like that which make me realize that even though Aiden is doing better, he still needs to get stronger. Between therapy and consistent coloring in daycare, Aiden has gotten so so so much better. You would never guess that the pictures he is bringing home today are the same from the kid who brought them home 1-2 months ago.
On Tuesday night, Aiden and Eli had their daycare Christmas program. Eli got a fever late in the day and I wasn't sure he would even be attending the program. I forced some Tylenol down him, his fever came down, and he went. I know; sounds mean. He was so excited about going though. Aiden and Eli sang in the same group (3 and 4 yr olds). I put yellow stars on their red t-shirts in the group picture below to help find them. They were so cute with their santa hats on. Aiden was in the 2nd row on the far right and Eli was in the first row on the left in the front. Aiden knew pretty much all the words and corresponding hand motions to all the songs. He did such a great job. Eli .... was a ham and a half. He was just dancing around and singing and doing most of the hand motions. I took a video of it and also put it on YouTube:
They did a great job. I forced some pictures on them at the end and they weren't too happy about it. Here is a really cute one of both of them though by the Christmas tree on the stage.
And this is what happens when you force one too many photos: Hahaha. Yes, we ARE having fun. ALL OF US!! :)
And in case you are wondering, Eli didn't go to daycare the next day because he had a little fever that morning. Aiden was fine though although he looks exhausted in this picture.

Here are SOME of Brad's books for the semester (not year). There are at least 50 books here. And guess what ....
Brad got issued more books on Thursday at 12:30. I'm not even the one reading the crazy amounts that Brad is and I'm tired of books.
Brad is wrapping up his last few days in school for the semester. He deserves a break!!! Unfortunately, the books they just gave him are for some of his classes next semester so they can have them read before the first day of class! Craziness. I have some more updating to do in regards to a birthday party for Ms. Jennifer and my health. In another day or so. On a good note, things are going better and the medication the endocrinologist gave me seems to be working and I'm getting some more energy.

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