Monday, August 22, 2011

8/21 - Trip to Iowa

We just got back from our week long trip to Iowa today. Well, we flew back in to St. Pete last night and drove back to Jacksonville this morning. Go got to Iowa last Saturday. Aiden skipped his nap on saturday since we were flying and Eli took about an hour nap on the plane. Overall, the boys did great on the plane ride. They were very happy to get out and move around once we got to grandma and grandpa's house. Grandma went to Goodwill and bought some toys for the boys. Eventually, strings got tied around some of the cars and the boys thought it was the coolest thing ever.
On Sunday, we went to the ALF where grandpa Hank lives. We were celebrating his 95th birthday!!!! Everyone went at 1:00pm and I ended up going with the boys after they woke up from their nap. The directions had 3-4 turns (at the first stop sign turn right; at the first stop sign turn left; after 1 block turn right; at the 3rd light turn right (something very close to this if this isn't perfect). In Iowa, at least where we were at, that is a 30 minute drive because the first stop sign is 8-10 miles down the road. It was too funny. In Jax, that would have taken 5 minutes.
It was the first time the boys got to see Great Grandpa Hank. They had fun and grandpa enjoyed them. Eli especially enjoyed the food that was provided. Here he is with grandma smiling with a mouth full of food.
Back at home, the boys loved playing on the steps. They spent at least an hour throwing balls up and down the steps. They had so much fun.
The boys also got to meet Calvin and Chloe for the first time (grandma's cats). While vets may call these animals cats, they really look like puma's. They are huge. Here is Eli petting Calvin (who weighs about 30 lbs). They boys were actually really good with the kitties.
We did lots of walking. Aiden loves to go for walks anyway but with fields of corn just down the end of the driveway, the boys had an especially great time.
The grass was so green and the weather was beautiful while we were there.
Grandpa decided to play the piano and the boys went nuts. They really enjoyed watching and listening to him but of course, they wanted to play. The rule was they could only touch one finger at a time. Aiden did pretty good but Eli had no idea what "one" finger was so he struggled a bit.
I felt like I didn't see Brad much but that was just because we didn't have our usual time talking at night. We did have a great time visiting with family though.
Eli decided he liked to get ready with grandma in the morning by brushing his hair and playing in the water in the sink.
Lots of walks. Here are the boys in the wagon. They collected flowers and rocks along the way.
Great grandpa Hank came over on Tuesday night to celebrate his birthday and the boys helped decorate his cake.
Aiden had fun helping great grandpa blow out his candles. Eli just enjoyed watching what was going on. They all enjoyed cake.
We ended up playing cards until 11:30pm. We were exhausted the next day because the boys were still waking up at 6:30am.
Aiden also got to meet Brad's Aunt Pat for the first time. Aiden enjoyed his "new friends" and the kids were tuckered out by the end of the night.
On Wednesday morning, we took the boys to the local park. Eli served up some mulch for us.
Aiden found a cave when he came to the park with Brad a few days earlier and was very excited to show it to me. I must admit, it was pretty cool. It went under a road.
Aiden did a great job climbing on the playground. He's not really scared to try anything anymore which is great.
Eli is a little crazy and tries to do everything his big brother does.
There was this seat that when you sat on it, it went around in a circle by itself. It makes you crazy dizzy. Aiden didn't like it too much but Eli loved it.
On Thursday, we took the boys to the local splash park. It was amazing that Central City, a very small city, has 3 awesome playgrounds and a splash park. Eli LOVED the splash park which we predicted. Aiden didn't a first but then started to get in to it.
I was so proud of Aiden running around and attempting to get wet. He didn't want to go through any of the big water features but just running around and still getting wet was great for him.
Aiden got an early Christmas present from Aunt Pat. It's a toaster that makes designs on toasts and comes with pens that you can color with on the bread. Brad made one (and Eli ate it) and then Aiden tried it. I've never seen anything like it.
On Friday afternoon, the boys wanted to go back to the splash park. We put their car seats in grandma's convertible and headed to the splash park.
This time grandpa went with us too (in addition to grandma). The boys had even more fun this time. Aiden jumped right in and was running through many of the water features. I brought my suit and participated too. Wow. That water was FREEZING. This first picture is Aiden.
In order to start the splash park, you had to push a button on top of the fire hydrant which activated everything. The boys would take turns pushing it because it would stop after about 5 minutes.
Little Aiden
Here is proof that I participated in the freezing cold splash park.
Aiden finally got so cold he said he wanted to change clothes. Eli wanted to continue to run around and go through the froggy with daddy.
At the very end, Eli insisted that he get to push the button one more time and go again. His lips were purple/blue and his mouth was quivering he was so cold. It was too funny. We let him go one more time and then said he had to be done so he didn't freeze to death.
We changed clothes at the park and then let them play on the playground for a bit. We even got a picture with the boys and grandma and grandpa.
I even forced my hubby to take a picture with me on the last night there.
It was beautiful weather and the boys got to go for rides on the golf cart and wondering around the house.
They even wanted to play .... fetch with daddy. Brad would throw the ball down the driveway (which is really long) and the boys would go get their respective balls. It was too cute.
Another fun game they played was "Daddy throws the balls on the roof and we get them when they roll off." The boys especially liked this one!
On Saturday morning, we relaxes for a bit on the swing on the back porch. The kids enjoyed that although Eli really wanted to pick marigolds that were planted in planters on the deck.
We had a great trip. We got all unpacked and are ready to get back into a routine. I start teaching at UF on Wednesday which should be good. I will have to leave the house really early a few days a week and will need to find time to still fit in my workouts. It should be interesting.

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