Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8/31 - the end of August

I'm so far behind in the blog. I started teaching at UF right after we got back from Iowa and am just not settling in (and I start teaching another 2 on-line classes starting on Tuesday). Here is a shot of Aiden being crazy with a pull-up on his head.
We got the play-doh out the other day and the boys loved it. Eli just likes dumping it out and putting it back in. He likes to stab at it and occasionally takes a bite of it.
Aiden cracks me up in this picture because he was having fun but looks totally bored because he's resting his hand on his head. He's actually getting a little better at touching and using his hands with the play-doh. I'll need to do a separate update on Aiden and his special little self soon. 
Eli is now in his big boy race car bed like Aiden. In this first picture, he is not very happy that he just got the lecture that he has to stay in his bed when his bunny is sleeping.
He is pretty excited and it only took 1-2 nights since we came back from Iowa to get him re-conditioned to stay in his bed. He's great now and actually hasn't picked up on the fact that he can get out of his bed when his bunny wakes up and he won't get in trouble. He just waits until we come in and get him.
The boys have been coloring/drawing a lot lately. Aiden still can't even begin to color in the lines of something (I'm not sure if that is normal or not). Eli is starting to like scribbling too. They do not like sharing notebooks to color in though. Actually, Aiden doesn't like to share.  Eli still often ends up with marker all over his legs and face (for some reason he still tries to eat it).
Eli loves copying his big brother. We are very fortunate that Aiden is the big brother and normally listens and does pretty safe stuff and is a good example. Here are the boys playing and hiding under their blankets.
Aiden found his Cars case that is full of cars which he hasn't seen in about a month. You would have thought it was Christmas around here with how long the boys played with the "new" cars.
I love this picture in black and white of Aiden. Look how long those lashes are!!! Amazing! 
The boys played with cars on our table for a while. They even asked daddy to play with them. That's a pretty special  invite.
I'll write more soon and update again ... much sooner than last time. Teaching at UF is awesome. I miss being in the classroom. I have a class of 60 and about 50 of them show up on regular basis which is amazing given it's a 7:25am class and I do not grade or even take, attendance.

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