Monday, December 12, 2011

12/12 - December is halfway through

I can't believe it's taken me this long to update the blog. Actually, I can. It's been crazy busy for me and I am just trying to keep my head above water at the moment. We went and helped my mom move in to her new apartment a few weeks ago. The boys did a great job helping us move. My mom's friend, Carol, watched the boys over at my dad's house during nap time.
The boys even tried to help Nana set up her Charlie Brown Christmas tree. We all like Nana's new place and she feels much safer there.
The boys enjoyed getting to see Bronco and playing with Nana even if it was only for 1.5 days.
A week or so ago, we got a special treat from Brad. He flew over our house ... and was down pretty close. It was awesome. I took video of it too. The boys were so excited.
Aiden had me turn on the train (inflatable) in the front yard so it would be easier for daddy to see us.  He was so excited to see daddy. He was jumping around and waving and even called Brad a "popper plate." That is Aiden's new term. We have no idea where he got it but he thinks it's pretty funny.
On the first Saturday in December, we took the boys to Home Depot to make the monthly arts and craft. It was a snowman napkin holder this time.
Aiden liked helping put the dowels in the snowman.
Eli really wanted to use the hammer (which you didn't actually for this project) so Brad let him hammer the stickers on. It was so cute to watch.
The both chose what stickers to use on their snowman. These boys are too precious (all 3 of them)!
Brad then took a picture of the boys and I. Aiden didn't really want to look at the camera because he wanted to leave so bad.
Santa was right behind us the whole time and when I tried to scoot over about 4 feet, they flipped out on me. I just wanted to get a picture with Santa in the background because there is still no way they will get any closer to Santa.
Eli was kinda curious and wanted to just see Santa and Aiden wanted nothing to do with Santa. When we tell him Santa is coming soon, and he says in a sad voice, "I don't want to see Santa." He thinks Santa is too scary and we have to remind him that he won't actually get to see Santa since he comes at night. The boys were having a blast throwing things and trying to hit Aiden's fishy hanging from his fan. At first I disapproved but they were laughing so hard I said they could do it but if they hit the fan, they were done.
We have a calendar up for December and the boys get to put a sticker on everyday. Eli was trying to put his sticker on but he has a hard time getting the sticker off the sheet and then also putting it where it wants to (in the box of the current day). It's good practice for him though.
Eli tries so hard be like mommy (and Aiden and daddy) sometimes. He went and got Aiden's laptop and sat down by me. It was too cute.
On Friday night, we went out with our sunday school class to dinner and then went to look at lights in St. Augustine. It was fun. There was a large group of us and this was our particular table a dinner; this is Stephanie and Harold. They are such amazing people and it's so exciting to watch them prepare to leave Jacksonville and head to Houston to open up a bilingual church. God has amazing plans for them.
Here are some of the girls waiting by the chocolate dessert shop while some people got some goodies inside.
It was really pretty in St. Augustine with all the lights.
I need to figure out how to make my camera took good pictures at night and I haven't looked up that information yet. Here is a picture of Brad and I in front of the Christmas tree they had all decorated.
I am so ready for classes to be over. I've been going crazy grading. Speaking of that, I need to get back to work. I'll be taking my first sewing class tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm hoping I can using sewing as a distraction and stress relief while Brad is gone on his next deployment.

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