Tuesday, December 27, 2011

12/24 & 25 - Christmas Eve & Christmas

On Christmas Eve, we went to go visit my sister's mom and her step-dad. It was great to see them and Pablo, her stepdad, always makes awesome food. Afterwards, we went to my Aunt Becky's house. The boys loved the Polar Express Train that my uncle Bill puts up. They were so good and didn't touch it. Here is my cousin Rachel sitting with the boys.
The boys also loved staring at the little village my aunt had set up. She got some snow out and let Aiden put some snow on the village.
I changed Eli from his regular clothes to his jammies because they are so cute. He had his jammies (red helicopter with Santa coming out) on from 7:00pm on Christmas Eve to about noon on Christmas day. They are just too cute!
Here is Eli with his hat on at Becky's house. He was so good watching the train and not touching it. It cracks me up how he rests his chin on his little tiny hands. So adorable.
Santa left a bag of presents outside the door of my aunt's house which was unexpected. We let the boys open a present that we had taken with us and ended up not needing because we didn't stay at my mom's house on Christmas Eve like we had planned. They wanted to plat with "toys" and we didn't bring any so we let them open a present. Well, soon after that, we found Santa had left a bag. The boys were so excited to see if their name was going to be called. After Aiden opened his new Hess truck, he gave me the present we just gave him and said, "here mom, you can have this" and took his new truck to go play.
We got home so late on Christmas Eve but the boys did so good. They were being good listeners so we let them stay and play. Needless to say, they didn't go to bed until about 9:30pm but were still up by 7am! Nana came over to papa's house at 7:00am so she could be there to see the boys open presents. Aiden and Eli both got a present from Santa on Christmas morning. Aiden got a bike and Eli got a huge carpet that has cars/buildings all over it. Aiden was so excited!!
They only opened 1 or 2 presents and then ate breakfast and then it was time to ride Aiden's new bike. Eli wasn't sure what to do. He actually opens a present and plays with it. Aiden wanted to open things and then decide what to play with. Actually, he just wanted to ride his bike at first.
We took them outside and Brad followed Aiden and I stayed with my mom and Eli. We brought Aiden's other bike (he and Eli normally fight over it) because I knew Eli would want to ride too.
Aiden is a fairly fast learner. He told Brad he could "crush things" on his new bike since it was so big. He was so excited and just wanted to ride everywhere.
I love this picture of Brad giving Aiden a little push up the driveway since it was steep.
Eli's feet don't reach the pedals on the other bike so he sits on the bar and walks his feet everywhere. Efficient no, effective yes.
He was having a great ride too. He didn't go as far as his brother but found a little bridge to go over still.
Right when we got in front of papa's house, I took picture of Eli and Nana. Too cute.
We went back inside and the boys opened up some more presents.
We opened up the rug Eli got from Santa and the boys played on that for a while.
We set up this marble run and the boys were completely fascinated and obsessed with it.
My sister came over with her 3 boys which is always fun. These cousins don't get to see each other too often but when they do, they get along well. Grayson, the oldest and sitting right in front of Aiden, is so good with my boys.
They had fun playing with new toys.
Much to my surprise, Aiden started wrestling with Graham and Grayson. He won't do that with his brother! He was having such a funt ime.
My brother also flew in to town for Christmas and it was great to see him. We got a shot of my dad, me my sister (Erin), and brother (Tommy).
We also got one with my grandma in it. It was great to see family and let the kids have some fun.
We tried to do a cousin picture but that is almost impossible with boys as young as they are. Grayson and Aiden were buddies so they sat down first.
Ray didn't want to get off the couch and Eli wouldn't stop crying. I finally offered Eli a M&M if he stopped crying to take a picture and the yelling stopped coming out but he still looked pathetic. It was actually quite comical.
We had a great couple days at my dad's house. On Christmas day, we left for my mom's house for 2 days. Another post will be coming soon.

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