Monday, December 14, 2009

12/14 - Eli in hospital again

I'm just writing this quick blog to say Eli is in the hospital again. Aiden started getting sick last week and I took him to the doctor on Wednesday. They said he had a viral infection and a bacterial ear infection. Eli started getting sick on Friday with the sniffles. We didn't think much of it but then he started to cough and it didn't seem like a normal cold. By Saturday, everyone was sick!! Sunday morning Brad went to church with Aiden so he could work in the nursery (it was our week but Eli was way to sick to take and I was feeling pretty yucky too). I have the World's Best Husband. Anyway, I talked with Eli's doctor on Sunday morning and by late morning he had a fever that was pretty high.

When we finally got called back to get his vitals taken (a 45 min wait), he had a temp of 102.9. They rushed him back and he was seen almost immediately. They ordered a bunch of lab tests and the first test they did came back positive...RSV. He has a pretty bad cough. They have also diagnosed him with some type of bronchitis type thing. He gets breathing treatments every 4 hours and tylenol for his fever. He's also not eating so after 12 (yes, TWELVE) pricks, they finally got an IV in. He had one but they took it out when they were going to discharge him late yesterday but then the doctor changed his mind but the nurse already took it out. He was so dehydrated after a few hours that it was even harder to get an IV because all his veins were tiny. He's such a little trouper.

I'm hoping they will let us go tomorrow (Tuesday). It will be completely dependent, as of right now, on whether he will eat when the IV stops. We can do the breathing treatments at home and the coughing stinks but his oxygen levels are still pretty good. Please pray for him and the whole family. Brad is having to take care of Aiden and Brad is getting sicker everyday. I'm already pretty sick and not getting any sleep with people coming in every hour or so for vitals, breathing treatments, etc.

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