Saturday, December 19, 2009

12/20 - Snow storm '09

So we've had a bad snow storm over the weekend and have been stuck inside. We got released from the hospital late Friday night and Eli and I drove home in the snow that had just started. By the time we got his prescriptions and came home, it was snowing pretty good. We missed Eli's 12 week picture last week so we took at 13 week picture this week. Below is Aiden with the white card and Eli with the yellow index card (yes Eli is fatter but it's also a closer picture).

Eli is doing pretty good. He gets breathing treatments a couple times a day and in the picture below, you can see Aiden is trying to help. What a good big brother.
Eli likes his breathing treatments and sometimes tries to eat the tube. Babies don't do well with masks when the treatment takes 10 min so they give him an adult dose and just let him breathe it in. It works pretty well and his oxygen saturation goes up very fast with them.

Since we were snowed in on Saturday, Aiden decided to dress up in his Superman costume. He put a bunch of Halloween stickers on his outfit and Brad put his mittens on him. In the picture below, he was giving me a high five!
We got bored so we let Aiden open a Christmas present from his Godparents (Arin and Mike). They got him a cool Elmo Jack-in-box. He likes it but hasn't figured out he has to keep turning the handle until the music is done for Elmo to pop out!
Here are some pictures of the snow. The picture below is of our porch which Aiden loves to play on. As you can see, his picnic table is covered and his dumptruck is barely noticable.
This is our house without the couple of inches we got at night.
Aiden wasn't sure what to think of the snow. He doesn't match because he doesn't have snow pants so I just layered clothes on him. The snow was up to past his kness and to his thighs!
We went for a walk and like hearing the snow crunch under his shoes.
Below is a video Aiden trying to tear off icicles and give them to me. He had fun and we'll probably go out in it again tomorrow.

We took some cute pictures today but I'll post them tomorrow night. Both of the boys go to the doctor tomorrow so we'll see how they are doing. I need to finish grading my on-line assignments so I can submit grades before we leave on Tuesday afternoon.

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