Friday, December 25, 2009

12/25 - Merry Christmas!

Well. We are in FL safely. It was a long drive (16 hrs) but it went pretty smoothly. We severely underestimated how much Aiden would sleep so we are going to have to re-think our drive home strategy. Aiden slept for only about 6 hrs total (we drove from 2:30pm to 6am). The picture above was taken the day the day before we left. We sat Eli in Aiden's chair to pose for some pictures. Eli is actually staring at the tv though.
I like the picture above. I've got some cute ones of Brad and Aiden wrestling but I need to rotate them on my computer and then post them.

After we got to FL, we unpacked the van and took the kids and my mom over to my dad's house. My mom and dad watched the boys for a few hours while Brad and I slept!! That was great. After Aiden woke up from his nap, we took him to the Firestation that my dad works at. Aiden had fun with all the trucks.
Yesterday afternoon, we walked down the park in my mom's condos and let Aiden burn some energy. He had fun but wasn't used to the higher temperature. His little cheeks turned red.

Last night we went to my Aunt Becky's house and waited for Santa to come. We dressed the boys up for church so they were looking pretty spiffy. Aiden wasn't as scared of Santa last night like he was a few weeks ago.

Aiden got to see everyone go up to Santa as he called their names so he didn't mind going to get his present either. As you can see from the picture below, he was pretty excited about his gift.
Aiden got a Hess car which this year, is a race car!! He LOVES it. It has another race car inside the hood of the big one. The big ones has button that makes lights flash and noise go off. It's like his Hess truck which he loves so much. He wouldn't let anyone play with his new cars and the only way he would take a picture with Santa is with his cars.
We got up today and Aiden saw his cars from last night and wanted to play with them. We went to the park for a few minutes this morning but didn't stay too long because everything was wet from raining this morning. By 11am, we were at my dad's house and stayed there all day to celebrate Christmas with other family.

The picture below is Aiden opening his stocking. He loves the matchbox cars that were in there.
Aiden definitely got the hang of opening presents and liked it. Next year should be even more fun than this year although this year was so fun to watch him open something and become so obsessed with it. Eli was held a lot which was good because otherwise he cries. I can't wait until he stops being so needy. The picture below was a miracle. Below are my sister and I and our boys along with Billi, our neice.
Overall, today was a great day and it's been so good to see family for Aiden to play with his grandma and papa (who he hasn't seen in a year). It's makes me so excited to move back to Fl. He also got to see his cousins for a little bit which was fun. We are hoping to see them again later. Tomorrow I will be seeing some old gymnastics friends for the first time in about 10-12 years. Eli has a really bad rash/yeast infection from me eating a few cookies that had butter in them. Apparently he really is lactose intolerant!! Won't try that again. Merry Christmas to all.

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