Sunday, July 11, 2010

7/11 - Lots of firsts for Eli!!

I had a great birthday on Thursday. We had a screening appointment for Aiden in the morning for an early intervention program. We have some more testing to go to in 2 weeks. I just had to buy some of those Huggies blue jean diapers. We are normally a Pampers family but these are too cute. We went to chic-fil-a for my birthday dinner. It was great because the one near our house has a toddler play area. Aiden had a blast. Eli got a tooth on my birthday too. He's about to get 2 more pretty soon too (his front top 2 teeth).
Aiden has started to try and play with Eli a bit more. It's so cute. Aiden wanted to push Eli around on his bus the other day. Brad had to follow them around so Eli could stay up on the bus but they both had a good time.

Eli has been pretty busy lately. On Friday, Eli got up on all 4's!! He started crawling that way (sometimes) although he moves pretty slow right now. On Saturday, Eli decided he would sit up from crawling and also start really cruising.
Aiden has really enjoyed spending time with Brad. Aiden especially likes doing push-ups with Brad. I'm not sure if Brad likes the extra 30 lbs!

Here are a few pictures of Eli getting up on all 4's. Too cute.

I can't help but smile when Eli flashes me a smile. He's gonna be a little daredevil I think.
I went down to St. Pete to get my mom on Friday night and bring her back up on Saturday morning. We brought Bronco with us and boy was Aiden glad to see him. Aiden woke up from his nap to see a "dog" and didn't stop playing with him until bedtime. We even went for a walk where Aiden insisted on walking Bronco. I'm waiting until the day Bronco pulls a little too hard and Aiden bites it. Hopefully it won't happen but I wouldn't be surprised.
In the afternoon, we filled up the pool with some water and the boys splashed around. They had fun but Aiden doesn't like Eli to have toys in the water. When he catches one he either throws it out and then I put it on the side. Aiden refuses to bathe with Eli anymore. Aiden doesn't want to be touched in the tub and doesn't want any toys in there other than his. Eli wants to move all around and splash and play with toys so they don't mix very well right now. Hopefully that will change in a few months.
We went to a new church again this week. We've been here 3 weeks and have gone to 3 different churches. The first one was a definite no, the second is a maybe, and the third one we just went to we want to go to sunday school there. The one we went today was big; much bigger than we are used to. After nap time today, Aiden an
d Eli played in their respective areas on the train table. Eli got some one-on-one time with Bronco for a bit. Eli is all over the place right now and he's kinda grumpy because he has 2 more teeth that are about to come in. He's been discovering what his tongue can do this afternoon and it's been pretty comical.
Aiden will be going to daycare on Monday and Thursday this week. Tomorrow I will make some phone calls about getting Eli in somewhere. I just haven't found the right place for him yet and I'd rather take an extra week or two and get him into a permanent place rather than letting someone care for him for a few weeks to just switch again. We went to Toys R Us this afternoon and Aiden got a new slide. He was VERY excited to come home and us it! Now keeps asking to put it in the pool. That should be fun.

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