Sunday, July 18, 2010

7/18 - Brad's back

We have had a great couple of days topped off by Brad coming home yesterday. We've finally had some nice weather in the morning and we have taken advantage of it lately. We took a visit down to the pool with the boys and my mom. We all had a blast. It was much easier for me to have some help (my mom) and both of the boys ultimately have more fun too. Aiden wasn't too fond of the Adult swim break so I had to bring a snack to occupy him for the 10 minutes.
Aiden and Eli are cracking me up lately. Aiden got a new slide as you saw in the last post and he found a great way to make Eli laugh ... let cars fall down the slide. You can see the video below which is hysterical. Carol - I bet you can't watch this without laughing - this one is for you!!
Eli has been all over the place and is getting very daring. The child has no fear (frowny face) and has fallen numerous times over the past few days.
He stood up for the first time on 7/14 from a sit in the dining room using the chair. I found him awake from his nap on 7/15 in the picture of Eli in his crib. He was so excited when I walked in and gave me the biggest smile like "mom - look at me stand. Aren't I so cute?" He's got 2 teeth that look like they are through but when you touch them, they aren't.
Aiden, the worldest sweetest kid, is doing great as well. He got a new McQueen car that changes with water (thanks Jess for the gift card - he still has enough money for something else so I'll keep you posted). The only bad thing is the car takes ice water to turn it red. I thought it was just hot/cold water changed the color and I went to the store to buy another one because ours was "broken" and realized my mistake! Opps. Our ice machine is broken so I froze some water and rubbed the cup all over the car. He LOVES it. He is showing it to Jess in the picture.
Aiden has had fun coloring with Nana. He loves playing with stickers and coloring around them. Aiden continues to love his new daycare and is really doing good. His vocabulary is getting bigger everyday!

After a bad rainstorm shut down an airport that Brad had to fly through, his arrival was postponed for a day. Although he was supposed to come in on Friday night, he ended up getting home Sunday around 3pm. He took a little catnap on the couch with Aiden by his side and Bronco on his lap. We are all really glad Brad is home.
We are pretty sure we have found a church: Orange Park First Baptist Church. It's much bigger than we are used to but the pastor is awesome, the kid's program is great (and extremely secure - we get a digital fingerprint verification in order to pick up our kids), and the people are friendly.

Also, Nana is going to stay until next week to help out some this week. Aiden has more testing this week and I have a doctor appointment to give me the results of my ultrasound last week. We have two weeks left of Brad here before he leaves for a while again. We are going to make the most of it and we get to celebrate our anniversary this friday - yeah.

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