Thursday, December 9, 2010

12/9 - Christmas outfits

I just have to say I love this cat. Pouncer keeps me company when Brad is gone and gives me something to snuggle with at night. He'll even talk to me.
Eli is such a cute little guy. He LOVES to play peek a boo behind the curtains in the living room. He's too cute.
Since neither boy wanted to nap the other day, I took turns playing dress up on them. I put Aiden in his new Christmas church outfit to see if it fit and he looked so cute and handsome. I then put Aiden down for a nap and 5 min later Eli was up (he only slept for 45 min) and was wide awake. I decided to play dress up with him too. They both look adorable and their outfits fit!
It's been pretty darn cold the last few days. Aiden's daycare hasn't really let them go outside much so he's got a little cabin fever. He tried riding his scooter around for a bit but said he was "scared" he was going to fall off.
I got to have a pretty fun day today. I dropped the boys off early to daycare so that I could get a workout and shower before I met my friend, Crystal, at a pottery studio. After the pottery studio I went to a doctor appointment where they removed suspicious mole. I go back in 1.5 week to get the stitches out and will pray for normal results!
Eli's molars are starting to break through so he's constantly munching on his fingers. I hope he doesn't have this many problems with his eye teeth.
The boys were a little unruly tonight because they were both tired. This is 2 days in a row Aiden did not nap. He was yelling at Eli because Eli was trying to touch the tree (which is a no-no). Aiden just wanted to stay at the table after dinner and play. Aiden isn't feeling so well and is catching Eli's cold too.
Below is a video of Eli attacking Aiden tonight before bedtime. Aiden just wanted to watch a Christmas program I taped for him (although he had me turn it off a few minutes later because he was "scared" of the talking snowman). Poor Eli just wanted some loving and Aiden ... didn't.

Tomorrow is Gymboree day so I'm continuing to pray the boys feel better. I've been feeling like I'm getting sick but I'm still kicking to we'll see!

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