Wednesday, May 18, 2011

5/18 - Grandma & Grandpa visit from IA

Last week I had the boys try something new. Egg in pita. Aiden actually liked it quite a bit. Eli on the other hand, threw his all over the place.
Last Thursday night, Brad's parents came down from Iowa. The boys were already in bed so Friday morning the fun started. Aiden kept everyone busy building massive train tracks throughout the house.
He also did some arts and crafts with grandma.
Eli was cracking us up with the remote control car. He would push the button the make it drive and then get so angry and cry because it was moving.
Grandpa and Eli hit it off right away as you can see from this picture. Mom and dad watched the boys Friday night and I went out to dinner with friends. How fun for me!!
On Saturday we went to Gymboree. The boys had fun as usual. When we first started about 5 months ago, Aiden didn't even know how to jump and wouldn't dare try to jump off of anything. As you can see in these first pictures, he's got no problem jumping now. Even Eli stood up to jump and he normally sits down and tries to fall off. I think part of their trust in jumping off though is because that is Ms. Stephanie catching them though.
It was camping week at Gymboree and Eli and Aiden love the sleeping bag that was put out. It was too funny to watch Eli get all cuddly with Gymbo.
They have a great time exploring and learning at Gymboree. Aiden is getting too old to go soon (at least to the family class) so we'll have to see what happens. For now though, they'll keep going and exploring and pretending because they like it so much.
Eli is definitely cheating by trying to put the ball up through the hoop. When we first started, he wasn't event all enough to put the ball in the hoop.
After some lunch and naps, we went to park to feed the ducks. They were all over us so I put Aiden and Eli up at the table to throw bread. They had fun as usual.
They got to play on the playground and swings some too.
Aiden wasn't in the mood to take a picture so just Eli is in this one.
We saw baby ducks a few weeks ago when we were here and they were still here. They have grown a little and were so cute. The boys enjoyed watching them for a bit.
We finally convinced Aiden to take a picture but as you can see, he wasn't happy at all about it. Everyone else had a good time though! Aiden had a good time, he just didn't want to take a picture.
On Sunday, we all went to church in the morning. Aiden has not napped for me in a long time but was insistent on going in Eli's pack and play during nap time. At night, Eli slept in the pack and play so mom and dad could have the futon in Eli's room. In the afternoon, Eli napped in his crib. Shockingly, Aiden was taking naps while he was in the pack and play. Go figure. I'm gonna keep up in his room for a while to see if he'll keep napping.
In the afternoon, the boys had fun playing with their banks. I never imagined how much fun a bank could be.
On Monday, I took Aiden to daycare and we got some stuff done around the house. We moved stuff in the garage and dad fixed the hole in the garage ceiling. I put out a track that Eli hasn't seen before and he thought it was the coolest thing. He had a lot of fun playing with it and the shake cars.
Eli also got to enjoy some tickle time from his grandma.
Eli has found a new game he loves. He lays on the couch, then rolls off and you have to catch him before he hits the floor. It's great if you catch him, horrible if you don't!
I got Aiden these fireman rain boots a couple weeks ago. It rained the other day and Aiden wanted to go outside and wear them. I was shocked. He normally can't stand to get wet from the rain. Aiden and grandpa headed outside. In the first picture, Aiden was just pointing out it was raining.
After some time, grandpa got him to go out to the street. He wasn't quite sure what to do. Grandpa finally convinced him to stomp in the water in the gutter. Aiden had a blast and got his shorts all wet. It was fun to watch him.
I was getting ready to put Eli to bed the other night and had to go find him. I found him like this; hung over the couch watching tv.
Last night I got to go out with my great friend, Stephanie. We went shopping and I had a blast. It was great to get away with no kids and not worry about hurrying back because I'm paying a sitter. We found some great dresses and even found my homecoming dress for when Brad comes home. It's awesome!!!! I'm so excited. We had a great visit with the Hoyt's. They left this morning. While they got ready, the boys and I danced around the house.
The boys were both cooperative for a picture which turned out pretty good. Eli is turning into a little cheese in front of the camera.
We just hung around the house this morning and I cleaned. We went outside for a walk in the late morning and then Eli napped. I did some more research for daycaresfriday. We then went by the auto store and returned my old starter. I asked them to check my battery and all the electrical systems too. It turns out my battery was not performing up to snuff and apparently the last auto place I went did not have machines that were working or didn't know how to read the print out. I had a new battery installed and it's started up great right away and again after we left Chick-fil-a tonight. I'm praying that it's fixed now.
Besides the stress of not having daycare for Eli and having TONS of work to do, I was informed earlier in the week that the Greece port was off. This was completely devastating because I am so worn down and was really really really wanting to see Brad. It turns out there is a chance for the port to still take place so I'm just praying that God can make it happen if that's His plan. I just received pictures today from the awesome luncheon last week so I'll be doing another post in a day or so to talk about this amazing event.

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