Thursday, May 5, 2011

5/5 - B/W pics, pool, & cookies

I had to play around with some more black and white pictures. This first picture cracks me up because of Aiden's hand on his face while reading a book.
I found a monster truck/garbage truck and trains. Aiden has not seen it in a long time and was begging for it. I put it in so I could grade some papers. The boys were mesmerized. I was a little surprised Eli watched it for as long as he did. Aiden has been wearing dog tags lately for daddy.
I've been encouraging Aiden to sit on the potty more and when he got off the other day, Eli wanted on. It was almost his bath time so that is why he is naked. It's kinda cute though. He has been stacking blocks in the past week and is pretty good at it.
He pulled out the little potty and got on it. He got his foot stuck in it at first.
Eli hasn't gone potty yet but I think it's pretty cool he wants to sit on it; even if it's just to be like big brother. Little Eli is such a happy a lot of the time. I love this close-up picture of him.
On Tuesday, Aiden went to the ENT for a follow-up from his surgery. He had a tube blocked on the left with blood. This wasn't really a surprise. The doctor put lidocaine in his ear to numb it so he could get it out. The doctor showed me the clot and then saw a lot of mucous in his ear and sucked that out too. Needless to say, Aiden was crying by then and just wanted to leave. We came home to get some lunch. When we got out of the van, Aiden could not stand up. I took him inside and sat him down. He said the "house is so dizzy" and fell over. I got really nervous really fast and put Aiden back in the van and started off to urgent care. I called the ENT dr and no one could help me at the moment. I went in to urgent care and was filling out paperwork. Poor Aiden was too dizzy and didn't have enough muscle control to sit in the chair. While I was finishing filling out my paperwork, the nurse calls me back and lets me know his reaction is normal. The lidocaine apparently goes into the tube and into his body. We hadn't even gotten into the van and Aiden was vomiting everywhere. I finally got him undressed and he layed on the floor of the van in the back to get home (it's just a few miles) since he threw up all over his car seat and could not sit. We made it home and I promptly put him in bed on a towel in case he got sick again. He slept for about 20-30 min and then woke up coughing and vomiting again.
He eventually wanted to come out and sit on the couch which wasn't about to happen. Since he still couldn't sit up and his bed was full of vomit, I carried him out by the couches and propped him up while I made him a space in the living room. He couldn't even move his head so I had to prop it up too.
He just layed there and watched tv for a bit while I did some work. I did lots of yucky laundry too. Every half hour or so I would try and sit him up to see if he could do it yet. Most of time, he would start seriously shaking when I tried to sit him up. Around 3:45/4:00 he could finally sit up again. That was much longer than the 1-2 hrs the nurse and dr told me it would take to clear his system.

On Wednesday, Aiden was feeling great again. In the afternoon, Crystal came over to help me take the boys to the pool for the first time this season. Eli was looking so cute and I promised my mom to take a picture of him with his crocs and new yellow sunglasses he got for Easter. Sorry mom, I'll try again.
The water was colder than expected. Aiden wasn't really sure about getting in or too wet.
Eli on the otherhand, wanted to go right on it. He loved playing with the shovel in the water and trying to drink it. He didn't want to swim around with Crystal or I but he was fine just playing on the side or on the steps. Aiden actually wanted to go out in the water swimming with one of us. He was kicking his legs and even told Crystal he wanted to go under the water.
We barely got we before it was adult swim which means snack time for the boys.
 After about an hour of swimming, Aiden was shaking he was so cold. He wanted out and then Eli was soon to follow.
Today, I booked my trip to Greece to go see Bradley. I am so so so so so so so so excited! My parents are gonna watch the boys and I get to go see my sweetie. It's going to be amazing. Tonight, Stephanie and her kids came over. We had some dinner and then the kids made cookies. I bought this cookie mix 1-2 weeks ago and have been wanting to us it. The kids had fun.
Aiden was on great behavior for Stephanie and ate a half of PB&J sandwich (he normally won't eat more than 1/4 and that's if I'm luck and force it). Also, he made cookies. The dough was similar to play doh which he doesn't always like to do.
Eli didn't participate in the cookie making but I'm sure he'll help out tasting tomorrow. He went to bed because he was kinda grumpy and didn't get a good nap at daycare.
My main focus right now is finding a new daycare for Eli. It's such a huge decision. I have an interview tomorrow at 8:30am but the woman sounds like of old and mean. We'll see. Please pray for us. We love Ms. Lydia (Eli's current provider) but she is military and they are moving so next week is her last week. Grades are due soon so I'm also finishing those up. We have a busy weekend ahead of us. Tomorrow is Military Spouse Appreciation Day and Sunday is Mother's Day!

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