Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10/11 - Playing around the house

It's been a challenging last week but we are making it through, one day at a time. I feel like I've been so busy that I haven't even been taking pictures of the boys to update the blog. Here is Aiden telling me has something stuck in tooth. He was so cute about and even brushed his teeth to get it out.
The boys (including Brad) have bonded a lot since Brad is taking them to daycare in the mornings and had to watch them while I was in the hospital. It's cute to watch them play together. Brad was flipping them around and wrestling with them the other day. They all seemed to enjoy it.
Eli's cheesy little smile just cracks me up and makes me smile.
The boys were even wrestling for a bit. Brad was trying to show Aiden how to pin down Eli. I'm not sure Aiden is wrestling material; Eli might be though.
Brad even gave rides around the house on his back. Yes, Eli still has his paci. I don't think Brad and I are quite ready to take it away because there are some nights when Eli just needs it. He normally only uses it while sleeping but obviously he can get it out of his bed when he wants. Night time is a hard time because Eli gets really cranky and tests our patience. 
Aiden is doing a great job of learning to just walk away from Eli sometimes. When Eli gets upset or tries to steal Aiden's toy, Aiden just gets up and leaves. That's great. He still whines and will cry if Eli takes a toy (I don't blame him) but he's starting to problem-solve on his own and just move away from Eli. Eli is a little bully right now. If he doesn't get the toy he wants, he falls to the ground and throws a giant fit. He can't stand to hear the word "no." Needless to say, we say it quite a bit to him because he has to learn not steal things from other kids. 
These brothers do love each other so much. Aiden is such a great big brother and Eli is .... getting better. He just turned 2 so he still has a lot of learning to do and is just starting to use words versus just crying.
Eli is finally in to reading books at night which is fun. Here is Brad reading the boys a book before bedtime.
I put up some Halloween decorations last night and the neighbors came out to see them. The boys love Ryan and Jen. With the help of daddy, they manage to play a little basketball. The first picture is Aiden, the second is Eli.
I had to put some Halloween stuff out because Jen has her house all decorated. They have this thing in their palm tree that responses to noise and motion. The boys were terrified of it last week but now that they know what it is, they think it is so much fun to play with. Here they are yelling at it, trying to make it go off.
It's too funny to watch because once it does go off, Aiden still gets scared even though he made it go off. Aiden is pretty dead set on being a pumpkin for Halloween. I'm not sure what I'm gonna dress Eli as ... maybe a pumpkin seed. Haha. We'll see. 

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