Sunday, June 13, 2010

6/13 - Visiting with Sue & friends

I don't have many pictures of Eli lately because he's kinda been a terror. When he's cute, he's very cute but when he's cranky, he's very cranky. The video of Eli is of him crawling around on the floor in Aiden's room. He's rolling all around and shows off his new army crawl a little. He then shows off how he is thinking about crawling on all 4's and trying to sit up from his army crawl.

This post is mainly going to be about a visit to our next door neighbor Sue. We all took a trip to Sue's the other day. Aiden had his bike (we need to get him one with pedals soon) and kazoo. I started taking the video because he was going so slow that he stood up with the bike and started walking while straddled over the bike. The video is pretty cute because he's riding his bike blowing the kazoo. Too cute.

Aiden loves to pet all of Sue's pretend stuff. After he feeds the fish, he pets the fish, frog, and turtle. He used to be scared of them but now he pets all of them.
Sue got Aiden a birthday present and she gave it to him the other day (she's the worlds sweetest woman). She wrapped his present in Nemo paper which was really cool although Aiden insisted they were cars (he's kinda obsessed with cars).
He visited her cat who was hiding in the tunnel. He gets a kick out of seeing the cat outside in the tunnel.
He then got to take a ride on her golf cart. He LOVED that although he was a little nervous to ride at first. He wanted "more" on the golf cart and has talked about it everyday since this. This all happened on Thursday.
On Friday, the gang came over to our house and we had pizza, chips, soda, and a cake. It was fun to see everyone and get us all together. I'm gonna miss seeing everyone. Aiden has tons of fun with the group too and especially Grace. He's gotten really good at saying her name. By the time we took this picture, our boys were out of control and in bed!

Yesterday Brad took down the dog run and Aiden helped him. Aiden is in his "cage" with his screwdriver. He got a good lesson from daddy on how to use hammers and screwdrivers. He's too cute.

Aiden is still in his cage in this other picture. He's voluntary in there but he likes it and had room to come out if he wanted. Brad did a great job of tearing the whole structure down.
We are in cleaning mode and trying to put aside things that we will need for the next 9 days without saving too much stuff though. The packers come tomorrow morning and I still have tons of stuff to do. I think I'm just going to ask what room they will be packing up and move everything that can't be packed. We still have lots of stuff to be given away and we need to get that out of our house very soon.

I've included a video below of Eli eating. He's getting much better about feeding himself and I think he'd eat a hamburger if I let him! He always wants what we are eating. I'm a little more lenient letting him try stuff since Aiden is so picky. If he wants to eat something at this age, I'll let him!
Time to finish watching a saved episode of Life before they put our TV away tomorrow. We will be eating fast food for the next 9 days since we don't have any dishes or anything (that stinks) but we'll survive. We had a great last day at church today although it was sad to say bye. Lots of people came by after service and said bye ... you don't get that at most churches. The people in southern maryland really are fantastic!

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