Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6/2 - Aiden's 2nd birthday

It was Aiden's 2nd birthday today. We had a pretty good day despite some bumps in it. We started off by letting Aiden open 2 presents. He had fun opening 3 matchbox cars and then got made when he opened the present above. It was wrapped in race car paper and he thought there were cars inside. He was pretty bummed when he found out it was a shirt and shirt. It was pretty funny. We then went to the playground for a while. It was pretty hot outside so we stayed for almost an hour.
After Aiden started to get pretty cranky, I knew it was time to head home. Both boys feels asleep in the car on the way home. Thankfully it's a 10 min ride to the playground so they didn't get much sleep time. We left the playground at 11am so it wasn't like I was pushing things close to their nap time.

After some good naps (even by Eli for the most part), we went to the hospital to go to the breastfeeding group. Eli still weighs 19 lbs, 13 oz (for the 3rd week in a row). We came home and played for a bit while Eli cried for 30 minutes. I'm very tired from Eli right now because he's waking up early the past 2 days and wants to cry through most of his nap times. Very frustrating and draining. We watched a morning TV show that we submitted a card to (Sprout) and got to see his card on TV. I taped it below.
Arin and Mike Hunter (and Grace) came over tonight to celebrate Aiden's birthday since they can't be here for his party this weekend. Unfortunately, Brad couldn't make it because a guy at work didn't want to switch flights with him because he "didn't want to work that late." Too bad a co-worker wouldn't help Brad out on his son's birthday! We had pizza (which Aiden doesn't really like) and then let Aiden blow out a candle on his cupcake.
As you can see, Aiden is pushing his cupcake away and crying because he doesn't want the candle in it. Once I blew the candle out he was fine. Aiden and Grace split the cupcake. Mike was a huge help tonight because Eli was so fussy. He kept him entertained and was holding him while we were doing the cupcake thing. He then got to open a present from the Hunters. He realized right away it was a truck and got REALLY excited.

Once he opened it, he wanted to play with it ASAP. He was so cute and jumped up on the couch as Mike was taking it out of the package. He was saying "share" and "please." Just too cute.
Aiden didn't even want to let Mike look at it long enough to figure out how to use it. He loves his new crane! It makes some pretty cool noises.
After Aiden played with the crane for a while, he decided to go back to playing with Grace. They were sitting on each others lap in his little Cars chair.

The video below is pretty cute. It's a video of Grace pushing Aiden off her lap and Aiden kinda liking it. They are too cute together now that they can both "play" some.
I think Arin got a pretty good picture of Aiden and Grace giving a kiss to each other. Here are the Hunter's and Aiden. I need to put monster Eli down around 7pm because he was to fussy.
I did manage to keep Aiden up until Brad came home so he could say Happy Birthday and goodnight. I look forward to more fun times to celebrate Aiden's birthday!

I am also hoping Eli is just teething right now. I finally got a picture of his bottom 2 teeth. I'll post that next.

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