Saturday, June 26, 2010

6/26 - Getting settled in FL; lots of videos

Things are getting better around here. It's starting to look like someone actually lives in the house although it's pretty messy. As you can imagine, after getting carpet, we only eat in the kitchen (for the boys at least). Eli inhaled his food as usual, and didn't want to sit in his seat anymore (unless we keep feeding him). We let him out and that little booger crawled over to Aiden's try and tried to take his chicken nuggets! Eli can eat! I'm not kidding. He could eat more than Aiden if we let him and he only has 3 tooth although 3 more are coming any day now.

The videos below are Aiden being excited about his new green room and him playing in his race car bed. He loves his new bedroom color and the amount of toys/books in it. Our friend Sue gave us 2 race car beds and Aiden LOVES his. It was too cute to see him so excited.

The picture of Aiden in the race car bed shows you how excited he was. He didn't have the mattress yet but that didn't stop him from playing in it.

Aiden decided to help us clean out the garage when the packer came on Friday. He unpacked some safety goggles and also found his mower. He was ready to go!! He even had his hard hat on - that's some serious protection. We are desperate need of some new crocs and I'm trying to find some Navy blue ones. That's hard to do when all we do is go to Home Depot and SuperTarget right now so I might end up ordering them on-line. They are so easy for Aiden to put on and they clean up really easy. I would imagine wearing shoes and socks in Fl are going to give him some funky tan lines so he'll probably be living in crocs.
Aiden was such a good boy while the unpacker was here. I opened a box of his books and he sat on his bed and read for a long time. Eli was actually really good yesterday too. He played in his exersaucer and by the train table for a long time. They both did great.

Yesterday afternoon Eli was playing on the ground by the table and couch and wasn't making a peep (very unusual because he likes to cry). I went to go check on him and he had climbed/rolled into the bottom of his exersaucer. He was loving it. I pushed the seat cushion back down and stayed in there for another 20 min playing with the tag!
On a wall under the bar in the living room, Brad and I made a chalk board for Aiden. It was finally dry and ready for Aiden to use. Once we showed it to him he loved it. We still need to put up the chair rail to make it have a border on all 4 sides but Aiden knows he can only write on the black. What a neat invention (paint on chalk boards). The only bad thing is we can't find an old-fashioned eraser anywhere! I even saw at the store they have paint to make surface a colored chalk board and dry erase boards.

This morning Brad put some little shelves in the pantry so I can store our plastic bags and foil and Aiden wanted to help. He knows the major tools (screwdriver, hammer, wrench, pliers, and the sizes - small, medium, and big) and helps Brad out. It's so adorable that I need to get a video of it. He actually does a great job of getting the right tool. This all started last night when Brad put together a 2-drawer shelf by the front door and Aiden wanted to help.
Our place is still really messy and it will take a few more days to find things a "home." We gave away 2 big boxes of sheets, tablecloths, and other randomness this morning. We just don't have near the space in this house as we did in our last house (we want to be able to use the garage here for my van). I started doing some much needed yard work this morning by edging with our new edger (very cool). We have a lot of yard work in store for us because the renters never took care of it and it went for a while with no renters! Nap time and after 7:30pm are our work times and we get as much done as possible.
Eli was being pretty happy this morning and let me multi-task some. The video of Eli was supposed to be him flipping down the flaps on his toy but instead, he saw the camera and wanted to come say hi. We get to go pick up our access cards to the amenities today so we can start using the pool and gym!

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