Wednesday, June 30, 2010

6/30 - Pool Time

We finally got our Oakleaf passes and visited the pool for the first time on Saturday. The boys LOVED it. There are 2 huge pools with kiddie sections and slides and such and the boys loved it. Eli is feeling much better from his ear infection and we can tell a big difference in the way he is acting. He's happy again (for the most part). We got the boys all ready in their swim attire and headed to the pool.
Brad and I tagged off between kids. Aiden wanted to wonder around and investigate some. He didn't really want to splash and the waterfall stuff kinda scared him but he loved laying down and sitting in the water. He really loves walking around the OUTSIDE of the pool following the "track." The track is just different color stones they use.
Eli LOVES the water. We knew he loved bath time and he loves the pool too. Everyone was staring at him because he had this open mouth smile the entire time he was in the water. They have a gradual entry into the pools so he rolled around on his back and belly (in the very very shallow part) and was all smiles. We even took him swimming with us in the deeper parts and he liked that too.
Aiden didn't mind us swimming around with him either he just was clinging on to us for dear life. He did kick his feet some though and stick his face in the water to blow lots of bubbles.

We tried a church in Oakleaf on Sunday and it was ...unique. Aiden did a great job at a new place although he did cry when we left. We went back a few minutes later and he was fine and doing puzzles with one of the workers. Eli did fine too but got pretty tired towards noon. This week we will try a different church to see what else is out there. I feel bad putting the kids through new churches every sunday but hopefully the Lord will bless us with a great church soon.
In an attempt to try and contain the toys more, we have boxes for Eli that are full of his age-appropriate toys. It's easier to give him a box and pile the toys back in there when he is done. We are hoping to keep a much more organized house. It's already better and we aren't even done unpacking and putting away stuff yet. We are starting to really burn out on the putting stuff away part so we are moving a little slow but still work from 8-10ish every night.

We are getting to know some of the neighborhood and one of the kids has a F150 Power Wheels toy. There is one 3 yr old boy on the street and other than that, the boys are 5-8 yrs old. He finds them pretty fascinating to watch but it's hard to play with them because they all play together and Aiden is so little. They were really sweet to him the other day though and offered him a ride. Aiden LOVED it. They were gone for a while (just down to the cul-da-sac) and slightly out of view. We went to go check on them to find them stuck up on a curve and Aiden in the driver seat!! He's not allowed to drive so we put him back in the passenger seat and got them back on the road. I'll be excited to find some kids Aiden can play with soon.
While cleaning this morning, I found my box of medals from gymnastics. There are dozens of them and Aiden decided to wear some. He then decided it would be fun to ride around on daddy while he was doing some hard push-ups with some of the toys I use for personal training.
I did some investigating about daycare today and I think I'll be able to find Aiden a place with no problem but Eli will be different. I'm taking them both to get physicals on Friday so I can get them in somewhere. I need some sanity and Aiden misses playing with kids his own age. Eli needs to learn what daycare is all about so I'm excited for him to go too (just part-time for both of them).
Tonight was bath night which makes Eli really happy. He's about to get three more teeth in and I think one will come through tomorrow. In the one picture with just Eli, you can see his hillbilly top tooth on the side (HIS left). It's not a glare from the camera, it's a giant tooth. I think his next tooth will be the matching pair on his right side.
Aiden is determined to get water out of this fish ball (it squirts water from it's mouth). Eli just cracks me up in this picture.

Overall, things are going well. This is Brad's last few days of house hunting leave. We'll be putting up a fence very soon so that we can get Bronco back. We had an estimate done today and we are getting one more. We've had lots of rain so we haven't been able to get out much this week. I'm exhausted and need a shower. Good night.

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