Saturday, June 5, 2010

6/5 - Aiden's party & Eli kinda crawling

The first pictures is Aiden sleeping with his new crane. He got it from the Hunters and I wouldn't let him take it into bed with him. When we checked on him before we went to bed, this is what we found. Too funny. I'm surprised it didn't make noises when he picked it up off the floor and into his bed. I wish I had a camera in his room ... who knows how much he actually sleeps.This second picture was taken about a week ago when we had pictures done of the boys. They totally didn't cooperate but this picture cracked me up... Eli was trying to get Aiden and Aiden wanted to be everywhere but the red dot which is where he needed to be.
This next picture you can see Eli's two bottom teeth that have come in. They are coming up pretty fast. Eli has been a total booger the last few days. He's done nothing but cry and it almost seems like he's colicky again or teething. Unfortunately, I don't think it's either but I hope he gets back to normal soon.Yesterday Aiden and Eli were playing on the activity table. Aiden thought it would be fun to
dance and talk on the phone. He's too cute. Eli was actually pretty good yesterday which was a great relief. In the first video, you can see Eli starting to crawl. He does a shoulder roll to crawl. It's pretty inventive and not too effective but it does eventually, move him in the forward direction. We have found plastic eggs and balloons to be the most enticing bait for him!
The picture with the Cars container is one of Aiden't latest presents. He got that this morning from Brad and I. He LOVES it. It carries all his little matchbox cars. In the video below, Aiden is finding his eggs that Nana gave him. They talk and make noises so that it's easier for him to find them. They are fun and Eli really likes to go over them too.

Aiden and Brad played trains this morning and built a tunnel with a paper plate. I told Brad
last night I didn't think I'd have enough cake for everyone so he had the idea to make cupcakes and use them as fish bubbles! What a great idea. Aiden's fish cake turned out great and we made the fish bubbles into a #2 for his age.

The house was very festive after Aiden woke up from his nap. He woke up to more than 2 dozen balloons and lots of streamers. He had fun running around the house with all the balloons.Aiden officially understands presents and that they need to be opened. I'm not sure he understand cards but he likes when there are stickers inside! He actually lets me open the cards before he opens the present so that's good.
He got some matchbox cars (which he loves) and this cool police car that, when you shake it, makes it run. As he was opening his next present, he started hoarding his cars behind him so his BFF Kaden couldn't play with them. It was funny. You can see the little pile behind his back and the one in his hand.

He's a little obsessive about some of his toys. You can see below that his lined up his Cars cars and was putting them on the carrier (Mack).
His cupcake eating was pretty funny. He didn't want to get dirty. The video below is a great record of the events. He doesn't like getting dirty by food ... I'm wondering if that will ever change.

Overall, it was a great day and a great gathering with great people.

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