Saturday, March 12, 2011

3/12 - Eli's surgery & a b-day party

It's been a busy week. We'll see how this blog turns out because blogger has re-done all their controls and it's taking some adjustment on my part. I tried coloring with Eli last Sunday but he thinks he has to put everything in his mouth (including markers). I didn't really have that problem with Aiden. I don't color with Eli much because it's no fun because he doesn't listen. I'm trying to do better though and not get so irritated with him.

Aiden decided to play on his big paper where Brad and I have drawn roads and gas stations for him.
We've been doing pretty well lately. Eli's ears have really been hurting him so I was so excited to get his surgery done. Aiden has also been having ear trouble and is feeling pretty yucky too.
We got a diaper shipment a few days ago and the boys are still playing with the boxes and the giant roll of paper in the box. I can truly see how a giant cardboard box would be the best present ever!
Little Eli is such a stinker. He knows he's not supposed to be on this table and I found him like this a few days ago. He loves to test me and push my buttons. I promptly corrected him .... after I took his picture.
Thursday morning was Eli's surgery. Our friend, Crystal, came over at 5:00am to be at the house for when Aiden woke up. Eli and I left at 5:20am. It was yucky and raining. I thought Eli would sleep in the car but he was giving me devilish smiles instead.
We got checked in okay and Eli was the first patient scheduled for the morning. We mainly did a lot of waiting. Everyone was really nice and they were very safe about making sure he was healthy enough for the surgery. He was pretty tired from getting woken up so early.
Once we got the pre-op, he was starting to wake up more and was trying to get in to the cabinet of stuff. Thankfully it was locked!
The actual surgery was really short. They let me walk him back to the OR area and right before we got to the room, I had to hand him off to one of the anesthesiologists. He got to take his blanket and paci with him. The dr came on got me about 25 min later. He said his ears were really bad and full of thick yucky stuff. He instructed me about the drops I needed to use and took me to the room. Eli did NOT like waking up. He cried for about 30 min straight. They had him on oxygen to try and get the gases out of his system but he was fighting being groggy and wanted to try and move around. After he finally calmed down some, they took us back upstairs to our room. The requirements were he had to eat and drink before we could leave. He drank some downstairs but wanted nothing to do with food.
It's amazing how right Eli can be about his body when he's still so small. The reason he didn't want food was because he tummy was upset. After he vomited all over himself and me twice, he felt much better and eventually ate and drank some more water. We were home by 10:30am. I picked up Aiden and Crystal and we all went to chik-fil-a for lunch. Eli was running around having a blast. I could already tell his ears were feeling better. He ate a ton of food too.
Eli is walking a ton better and I'm so glad we didn't do the MRI because I think it was his ears that were messing up his balance so much. He's been SO SO SO much happier. I love it.
This afternoon we got to go to Blaise's 1st birthday party (Blaise is son of my friend, Stephanie). He's so cute. The kids had fun playing in the tunnels and houses. 
Aiden even found it pretty funny to let Blaise pin him down. I wish he was this nice with Eli! :)
I got a picture tonight with Stephanie and myself too. I know Brad says I always post pictures of the kids and none of me .... here's to you Bradley. :) I've been so blessed to have Stephanie as a friend.
Eli ended the night by trying on Blaise's birthday present of a cowboy hat and boots. It was too funny to try and watch him walk in those. The boys had a great time tonight and so did I. 
This week is kinda of busy. Aiden has a doctor appt on Tues morning but he keeps asking to go earlier because he ears hurt so much. On Thursday, my mom and dad come in to town so I can go to the Ladies Retreat for church.

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