Thursday, March 24, 2011

3/24 - Back from my trip

So I got back from the Ladies' Retreat last Saturday. I had a great time and am so excited to continue to grow my relationship with God. The first picture is of me and Stephanie. Stephanie and I (and 2 others) roomed together and then Steph also drove home with me so I would stay awake. This woman is not afraid to talk about God and I love it! The second picture is a roommate picture (myself, Steph, Janice, and Di). What a room we had and oh, the memories I will keep.
I arrived home much later than originally anticipated but my parents were really good about not making me feel bad. I snapped some pictures of them with the boys. It was almost bedtime so the boys were being a handful. At first I thought only Aiden was going to get in the picture but then I forced Eli to get in the picture as well. Eli is crying and trying to escape from papa in the second picture of them. I feel so blessed that my parents could work together and take care of the boys while I was gone. 

I missed the boys and they were all over for the first day or two. Aiden was being adorable and walking around the house in red sunglasses and a diaper. 
Aiden tells me all the time that he is still "a little boy, not a big boy." I think he always wants me to do stuff for him like I do for Eli. I've been having to put my foot down and try some jedi mind tricks on him with the wording of stuff. My friend Sue helped me think of some wording. Rather than saying, "you need to do this because you are a big boy," I am now saying, "you get to do this because you are a big boy. Eli is a little boy and he can't do this yet." It seems to be helping some. He's starting to try and brush his teeth more by himself (and actually get them clean; he can obviously chew on the brush but that doesn't mean clean for me). We are still struggling with trying to put shoes on. He has no motivation to put shoes on and I don't have time to "make" him put them on. 
Eli is being his cute self. He's doing so much better now with his ears. Eli is loving life right now. He's had some sleep trouble the past couple days and I'm hoping that will pass soon. I think Eli might potty train before Aiden! He loves pushing the potty around and even sitting on it.
Aiden went to the ENT doctor on monday and he decided Aiden needs ear tubes as well. His surgery is set for April 5! The weather has been awesome out so we went to the playground the other day. We took Bronco with us and everyone had fun. Eli would stay in the swing all day if I let him. Aiden has found something new at the playground he likes. I'll get a picture of it soon but right now he needs me to spot him so I'm nervous to step away and get a picture.
The boys have been having a blast with Bronco. Aiden is so good with him. He helps me feed him and walk him and lets him in and out of the sliding glass door. Eli is still a little rough with him and Bronco isn't used to Eli either. Bronco left when Eli was only about 6 months old so he doesn't know him as well and Eli hasn't been around dogs much either. It's a work in progress but I have to keep my eye on them.
Yesterday was a very rough afternoon here. Aiden didn't nap at all. In fact, I fell asleep in his bed and found him playing with pillows and Bronco on my bed. Eli only slept for about an hour. Aiden hasn't taken a nap for me since the day I left for the retreat. His papers from daycare say he slept there but I'm starting to wonder. He needs to get back on his nap schedule. Yesterday he lined up a lot of his cars on the back of the couch and also on the leg rest of the couch.
He then thought it would be fun to try all my shoes on and walk down the hall with them. I wish he was that eager to put on his own shoes!
After having such horrible naps yesterday, I thought they would sleep awesome. They were both up coughing most of the night and I went in a gave Eli some ear drops at 9:30pm because he was so fussy. I don't know if they are both sick or have bad allergies at the moment. After a 6:00am wake-up from Eli and a 6:45 wake-up from Aiden, we were all ready pretty early today. Eli was having fun playing in Bronco's crate.
Both boys went to daycare today and I got a good workout in followed by a little walk with Bronco. I have a meeting now and then I need to grade some on-line assignments. Brad is doing well and finally getting in to a schedule. I can't wait to see him and Skype with him soon.

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