Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10/10 - Daycare picnic & Awana

On Saturday, the boys daycare had a family picnic. It was from 12-2 which makes no since to me seeing how they nap at daycare everyday from 12-2. Anyway, we went for part of it and got there right at 12. The boys were excited to see the jump houses. We let them jump for a bit and then persuaded them to have some lunch.
They ended up eating a few bites and then going and playing and then coming back for more lunch. Below you can see Aiden throwing a ball at a couple of plastic cans and he knocked some down. He was having a blast.
Eli follows Aiden to most places so he wanted to try the game too. He was too funny. He didn't have enough skill yet to actually hit the cans from the far away so we had to eventually move him closer to the table.
He thought it was awesome when he actually hit some and they fell.

After success at the cans, Eli headed back to eat some of his hotdog. Of course Aiden wanted nothing to do with a hotdog so he had his yogurt.
Aiden is loving bounce houses now and usually asks to go in it right away. Eli is still learning to like the bounce house so he hesitates a little more. They both finally got in there and enjoy bouncing and wrestling. Eli is in the blue shirt with sleeves on the left and Aiden is towards the back with a white shirt that has a helicopter on it.
You can see in this next bounce house picture that Aiden was taking down Eli. I should include another picture showing Eli taking down Aiden but I'm saving space. These two go at it in the bounce house and have fun. I was so scared they were going to hurt someone else though so I eventually had to slow them down.
There was another inflatable there that had a ladder-type thing on it and they had to climb up it and then slide down. Here come Eli and Aiden down the slide. Eli loves to slide laying down and it's rare that he actually sits up to go down an inflatable slide. 
I was able to get a picture of Aiden with his teacher, Ms. Jennifer. She has an awesome southern accent that cracks me up. She does really well with Aiden and he likes her and is learning a lot.
The boys even got to go fishing. This game cracked me up. They put a fishing pole over the curtain and then someone puts a treat on the end of the line and then pulls at it (like a tug from catching a fish). Both boys enjoyed it and thankfully the teacher attaching the prizes gave the boys the same thing so there was no fighting later at home.
The other game they had there was a throwing the bean bag in the hole board. Here is Aiden throwing his bean bags. Eli did it too but he had to scoot a little close to get them in the holes.
Even though it's October, it was quite warm and sunny out on Saturday. This picture below is a special group of ladies!!! They are my Journey Girls (Journey is the name of the daycare/church) that I train a few times a week. From left to right is Susan (she's an unleashed monster), April (the director), Me, Erica (Eli's former teacher), and Shenika (Eli's new teacher). It all started with Erica and it's been so fun to train these ladies and see health-related improvements in them. Erica and Shenika think they are going to stop after the holidays but they don't realize I won't allow that :)  They are all doing such a great job.
As I mentioned in the last post, I've been updating Aiden's Therapy Book to include his occupational therapy exercises. While I was taking pictures of his stuff the other day, he insisted on being in the picture. He cracks me up. He likes tools and such so when Rusty showed us this exercise, I knew I would have to get some stuff so we could do it at home. He has to take the little nuts and gather them in his hand, one by one. Then he has to put a little nut inside a big nut one at a time (using only his left hand). This makes him have to manipulate all the muscles in his hand to move the nuts around so they won't fall and is great therapy. After I bought the gigantic nuts (we literally bought the biggest size they had), I told Rusty we had gotten some nuts for us to do therapy at home. She asked if I got the bolts too. I said, "no, we didn't use bolts the other day." She then informed me that putting the nut on the bolt is good therapy as well. I went back to the store and took my big nut with me but to make a long story short, we ended up just getting a package of nuts & bolts so he can do that too.
We check on the boys every night before we head to bed and I had to take a picture of Aiden. He was so cute because he was curled up on his pillow and had his head on his blanket. Totally opposite of how he should be. 
Here are a few pictures from Cubbies that I took on Sunday night. This is such a neat group of kids and I've enjoyed teaching them so far. The woman in the white sweater is Kristy, one of the leaders. Aiden is sitting at the table (it looks like she is pointing to Aiden) playing with play-doh.
I took this during 'Coming In Time' after we handed out all the vests. I want to get a group picture and think I'll try that this week. I imagine it will be difficult to get a group picture of this class but I'm going to try. 
Here is Aiden and two other Cubbies (DaMond & Eric) showing Cubbie Bear and Luv E Lamb the bugles they made. Another one of the leaders built that stage this year for our puppet shows and it's been great. Another friend had a good idea when I saw that she puts plastic table clothes over the toys and things that they kids are not supposed to play with. That works awesome for this class especially since there are a handful of kids that have an extremely hard time staying in their seat and not playing with things.
I can't wait to see what the rest of the year offers for Cubbies. I'll post more about Aiden's therapy and some medical stuff I've been dealing with in the next day or so.

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