Monday, October 29, 2012

10/29 - Aiden's therapy

So I'm almost a week behind but I'm catching up. Here are some pictures from Aiden's therapy last week. I think I post therapy pictures to 1) show other people what happens in occupational therapy with a child and 2) to keep record and give me ideas of things I can do with Eli as he gets older. We started off with feeding therapy last week. I brought some turkey (which Aiden won't eat) and cheese to make a sandwich. He ended up putting just the cheese on it but he won't even take a bite of that at home. He did take a couple bites and even touched the turkey a few times. As a reward, he got to wind up this little seal that walks around and he thought was pretty funny.
Here is Mrs. Rusty and Aiden having a fun time watching the seal dance around with the ball.
We've been working on putting socks and shoes on. It's a slow process but he's getting it. The stronger his fingers and hands get, the less he complains about it. He has to work so hard at it now that it's still difficult to get him to do it but he's at least getting the strength to be able to.
We even bought him a special stool last week so he can be positioned a little better to try and put his shoes on. He normally just likes to stand up and shove his foot in but then the tongue goes back down inside the shoe and he gets all upset. He's working so hard in the picture below; look at his little tongue sticking out. That what he does when he's really concentrating.
He practiced putting rubber bands around little pegs in this board. It was great for his hand strength and he felt so accomplished making this big triangle.
Here he riding the tricycle out to the waiting area. I bought him one like this and ended up selling it because he would never ride it. The little booger loves to ride it in therapy. He did so well he even earned a therapy dollar (you can see it on the back of the bike - he was trying to ride fast enough to hear his money flip around from the wind). Overall, he had a good therapy session last week and is making huge strides!

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