Tuesday, October 23, 2012

10/23 - While mommy was away ...

It's been a crazy week. Here a picture that Brad took of us last week making a silly face as Aiden calls it.
Last Wednesday morning (very early) I drove to Birmingham to catch a plane to Tampa to see my mom. It was a quick, but productive visit. Here is a picture of us on the day I got there.
Mrs. Jennifer, Aiden's teacher, was nice enough to send me a picture of my boys that afternoon. I have a picture where Aiden's eyes are open but Eli's smile is too darn cute here so I have to use this one. 
On Thursday, I sent this picture to Mrs. Jennifer and asked her to show it to the boys. They told her about Bronco. It was good to see Bronco again. Him and Nana are getting along really well and it's a great relationship. He gets her outside to socialize and walk; two very important things that are healthy.  I got to Skype with the boys on Thursday night for a few minutes. It was good but Aiden was so sad and wanted to "cuddle" with me. My heart was breaking for him but daddy tried to comfort him and snuggle with him.
I was busy getting mom organized with the office and medical stuff. We met with an insurance agent and I was on the phone quite a bit with SHINE (the Florida assistance program for the elderly with insurance-related questions). She is not considered elderly but because she is on disability, she qualifies. They gave us some good ideas to help us find the right insurance plan for her given her medical conditions. On Friday afternoon, I got to see my dad. He came and picked me up and took me to lunch out at the Pier. I haven't been down there in ages. We had a yummy lunch although I was struggling to stay awake. I hadn't slept in a few nights and was beyond exhausted. The Pier is getting demolished in May 2013 so I'm not sure I'll be able to take the boys there and show it to them. They would have liked it.
Here is a picture that Mrs. Jennifer sent me on Friday. I sent her a picture of me holding a wind-up alligator and Aiden saw what it was and got excited. He said he had an alligator on his shirt too.
On Friday, Brad picked the boys up early from daycare and took them to Bass Pro Shop with 2 other daddy's and their kids. It sounded like they all had lots of fun. Here are some pictures that Brad sent to me. Of course they had to go check the boats out:
Here they are trying out different chairs. I love the little tiny chairs and would love to get the boys one someday.
Here they are in the tents and Aiden is reading to Eli. I am so so so so so blessed to have such an awesome husband who can do such a great job taking care of the boys.
I got lots of stuff done while at my mom's. She will be moving this summer to Jacksonville to live with us or near us (we aren't sure of all the details yet). I came home on Saturday morning and by the time I drove 1hr+ from the airport, got home around 10:45am. It was so great to see the boys. We played until lunch time and then got up after naps and played some more. That night, we went to Zoo Boo. I'll post pictures tomorrow or later today about that. Also, hats off to an awesome husband who helped with Cubbies on Sunday night. We were down one leader and needed another adult so I asked him and he didn't bat an eye. He had schoolwork to catch up on too and still came to help out. What a blessing to me and those Cubbies he was.

Here are two final pictures. Brad took these last night after he picked up the boys from daycare. Aiden has full pads on for his skateboarding experience! He's so safe.
Both of our boys could spend an hour playing with the air pump. It's an air pump ... it cracks me up how they think it's the coolest thing around.
I was late getting home yesterday because I had to return to the GI doctor and get the results of my colonoscopy and biopsy. The good news: no cancer. The bad news: I have ulcerative colitis, a chronic irritable bowel disease (not to be confused with irritable bowl  syndrome). It's an autoimmune disease and will probably never go away. I have to start taking a medicine 4 times a day and then hopefully can move to taking 2 pills 2 times a day. I cannot even entertain stopping the medicine until I go at least 5 YEARS without any symptoms. That's a long time!! I'm sad but hopeful to get this under control so I can start feeling better. I felt fine for 2.5 weeks after the procedure while I was taking a different medicine the doctor gave me, but as soon as I stopped it, my symptoms came right back.

I'll be updating again soon with pictures from Boo Zoo and Aiden's therapy session today. Have a great week.

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