Sunday, August 9, 2009

8/9 - Finally an update

So it's been a while since things have been a little crazy. I had a bad sonogram on Tuesday morning (showed my body preparing for the baby to come out). After the nurse saw the report, she called on Tues night and said I needed to come in on Wed morning. I went in and they did a fetal fibrocon (not spelled right) test which tests for the chances of pre-term labor. The results came back a few hours later and my doctor called and said I needed to come in for monitoring. I called my friend Cindy who had watched Aiden on Tuesday and asked if she could come get him. She did which was such a huge relief. I packed enough stuff for him to stay overnight just in case. I then asked our pastors wife if she could find me a ride to the hospital because I wasn't allowed to drive there. It was a stressful time but thankfully the Lord surrounded me with great people to help reduce the anxiety. I went to the hospital and left a few hours later with some medication to take every couple hours to stop the contractions (which I didn't realize I was having) and am supposed to be on modified bed rest. Brad got home safe on Friday night and my mom flew in on Saturday afternoon to help out. The picture above is from a shopping trip Aiden and Cindy took when she watched him. They only sell his favorite snack at Target and Target is going to stop carrying them while they do renovations. Needless to say, she bought all the remaining boxes!!
The picture above is Aiden playing with some groceries. He's gotten into trying to help me unpack groceries and was carrying around the biscuits and pizza dough. The picture below is Aiden trying to ride on his dump truck. He thinks its a ride-on toy although it's not designed for that. He's so cute.
The picture below is Brad and Aiden playing around downstairs. Aiden is very glad to have his daddy back (as am I).
After church today, we had our sunday school class come over and had a cookout and played games. The picture below is Aiden showing off daddy's bling bling. How cute. He's in love with this necklace of Brad's.
The last picture is of Aiden showing me where "mommy's belly" is at. This is new. Can can show my belly and his belly. He's too stinkin cute.
My goal now is to find out what "modified bed rest" is and try to adhere to it. It hasn't happened this weekend!! I feel so much better since taking the contraction medicine. I didn't realize how uncomfortable I was with contractions and Eli moving around until I started taking the medication on Wed night. I'm feeling better and will have some repeat tests done at the end of the week or beginning of next week. I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow and can't deliver at the hospital my doctor is at unless I reach 36 weeks.

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