Saturday, September 5, 2009

9/5 - College Football day & Aiden's new room!!

Things have gone pretty well lately. Things are the same with me. Eli is still cooking and I have 9 days left on bed rest and then can start doing whatever I want!! Aiden has been having fun playing with grandma. It got a little cold here for a few days and it was too cold to have water in the pool so we drained the pool. Aiden had tons of fun playing in the pool with blankets though.
My cousin Chris and his wife Missy sent Aiden some clothes for his birthday. The onesie below says "Little Rage." Rage is Brad's call sign. Aiden has been learning things so fast lately that it's amazing and lots of fun.He's all moved in to his new room and he loves it. He loves to play in there and even sit in his crib and play. Brad did a great job putting the crib and dresser/changing table together. Aiden has learned almost all the animals in his room over the past few days. They are on his blanket on the floor, some of the wall hangings, and some decals on another wall. He's like a little sponge right now and it's so amazing to see how fast he's learning.
We did have to take Aiden to the doctor on Thursday because of diaper area problems. He is getting better and we are trying to let him run around naked more (that's why we play on the deck everyday). Brad had Friday off and he also has Monday off so Aiden is enjoying some extra daddy time. They were coloring the other night. It's great to see Brad be able to spend more time with Aiden.
This morning Brad took Aiden to the local playground and they played for over an hour. Aiden and Brad came home all sweaty and Aiden had a ton of fun. Brad sent me the picture below while they were there. This is a tube that they were playing in but Aiden decided to stop and take a sippy cup break.

We will be watching the Gators play later today. Aiden had on Gator clothes at the playground but got all dirty so those are done (and we only have one outfit that fits him) so now he's wearing a Gator bib.

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